美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2012-10-11(在线收听

 1. The tearful family and friends of slain US Border Patrol Agent Nicolas Ivie attended funeral services for him today. Ivie's death is believed to be the result of friendly fire. A second surviving agent was also shot.

2. President Barack Obama's campaign is responding to Mitt Romney's criticism among foreign policy. Romney says the rick of conflict in the Middle East is higher now than it was when Obama took office. The Obama campaign calls Romney reckless on foreign policy.
3. The CDC says fungal meningitis has killed eight people and infected more than one hundred. Health officials have linked the outbreak to steroid shots produced by a specialty pharmacy in Massachusetts. The steroid was sent to 23 states and have since been recalled.
4. This year Nobel Peace Prize for medicine has been awarded to two sicients. British researcher John Gurdon and Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka. Collective leaders' stem cell work has raised hope for some developing treatments, for diseases like Parkinson's and diabetes amongst others.