英伦广角 2012-03-03 英国医改举步维艰(在线收听

 We've made this legislation better and stronger.We've made significant changes to the bill including in respond to any chess for future foreign's work and we have been open to any furthur changes that would improve and clarify our bill, for example, so far in the north the government has accepted those moments, table by number cross bench, libery demacratic and labor pears.

Mr Speak yestarday my right boyfriend deputy prime minister and baron Byan William  wrote to their libery demacratic colleagues expressing their support with those changes and some further remembers they wish to say. They said for example,how we must roll out beyond doubt any threat of US stock market in any chess .I whole heatly agree. The bill is about quarlity,not competition on price.It will not permit any any chess organization to be taken over by the private sector.It will put patients's interests first. The bill does not permit any  extention of charging. Care will be free based on need, where the doctors and  nurses  is on the ground  knowthe competitioin is in the best interests of their patients where it is based entirely on the quality of the care and treatment provided and not in any way on the price of the car and treatment then competition can play a important role in driving out the standards through out any jess.