美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-01-19(在线收听

1.Cyclist Lance Armstrong reportedly admitted to doping during an interview with Opera Winfrey that will airlated this week, and the sports governing bodies are asking Armstrong to now tell his story doing independent commission it has set up. 

2.Meanwhile, lawmakers are supporting the toughest gun control law in the nation, it further restircts on sale of weapons and has pervasions to keep guns of out of the hands of the mentally illed. The vice part of effort was fueled by the New Town tragedy. 
3.A French official says France plans to send 2500 troops to Mali, suggesting its preparing for a land assult, to dislarge Islamist rebels in the country's northern region, France plans to take a nicer road in the mission after the Afghan force was deployed. 
4.Workers at the World Trade Centre has started instoring this spire that will make it the tallest building in the western hemisphere, it starts on the 104th floor of the 1776 for sky scirper which symbolize the American freedom.