NPR美国国家公共电台 2013-05-10(在线收听

  the man accused of prisonning three women roughly ten years is behind bars this hour held on eight million dollars bound. standing silent with head down, xx was arraigned today in the xx courtroom where the charges against him will read aloud. xx has emerged as the long suspect in the case. his two brothers who were also been arrested were released. the police said the women endeared years of abuse. they were chained and hidden from public view in xx's dingy home. until one of them escaped with the help of the neighbor and called 911.
  a final resting place has been found for suspected xx bomber xx and he has been intombed. officials are not saying where. xx funeral home has been struggling since the remains arrived there a week ago to find any cemetery to take the accused terrorist. xx police said they drained their budget trying to pay for extra-security around the funeral home. and yesterday they publicly appealed for help saying and quote we are not barbarians we buried the dead. and now sergeant xx says someone step up to the plea. a courageous and compassionate individual has come forward to provide the help we needed to properly bury the deceased. his body is now intombed. police said the body is no longer in xx but refuse to provide any details.
  the U.S.government delivered part of a pledged ten million dollars' worth of none-lethal aid to Syria rebel. some 65,000 ? U.S. military has been transferred to northern Syria. a convoy of six truck crossed into northern Syria to deliver aid pledged in April. according to media activists at the Syria boarder, U.S. ambassador xx stepped into Syria to hand over the aid package himself. xx has make similar high-profile diplomatic gestures as U.S. ambassador to Syria he traveled to the protest town of xx in 2011. the non-lethal aid was part of a policy to support the general xx ? supreme-military command considered the modern ring of the arm revolt tapped by the U.S. as the ? for aid to the rebels.
  xx is responding to Israeli airstrike last week with a warning that it too will acquire sophisticated weaponry with help from xx and ally. in a televised speech today the leader of a Lebanese military group xx said adjusting the weapon could be a game changer. Israel has targeted weapons in Syria it says is bound for the ? militants in xx. Israel has not formally acknowledged the attack.
  north Korea is offering more details on the accusations of a Korea-american who has been recently sentenced to 15 years of labor. in a statement today spokesman says xx has smuggled in inflammatory ? and tried to set up a base for anti-north Korea activities. the government is denying the accusation that it's holding xx as a bate to start a talk with White House.
  a family in xx is stepping up the demanding at federal government investigating the murder of ?.  the victim's family is frustrated with the local investigation. relatives of xx say his Febuary killing may have been a hate crime. xx black and openly gay was running for Mayor in xx when he was found dead alone the xx levy. a recently released autopsy report placed the cause of death as asphyxia by undetermined ? with evidence that he was beaten. but xx's family says they received little infomations from local authorities. the sherrif's department has arrested a suspect and official says he has admitted to the crime. a national black association has also called on federal government to step in. justice department says it's monitoring the local investigation.
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