新西兰英语 461 Technology in schools(在线收听

   Orewa High School in Auckland expects all year 9 students next year to have their own iPad, netbook or other mobile device like a Smart phone. The school says the most suitable is the iPad which costs between $800 and $1,000. The reason that the school wants students to have their own device is that there are not enough computers in the school for everybody.

  Although Orewa is the first high school to want students to have their own electronic device, the school thinks that within five years most schools will be copying them. Orewa is a decile 9 school. The highest decile is 10 and that means many people living in that area are quite wealthy. The lowest decile is 1. People in that area have low pay.
  Some private schools expect their students to have a laptop computer but Orewa is not a private school. It is a state school. Orewa says the problem with laptops is that their battery life is short whereas the battery of an iPad will last all day. Laptops also create a barrier between the student and the teacher – it is hard for the teacher to see what the students are doing. The iPad has many applications which students could use.
  In today’s world, technology is important and students need to access information from the internet and record their work on their own device. This will also make it easier for students to share their learning with other students. The school says they are preparing students for work in a changing world.
  device – a piece of equipment used for a special purpose
  mobile – can move, portable
  decile – means each group of 10%. Decile 10 is the top 10% and decile 10 is the bottom 10%. Low decile schools get more funding from the government.
  barrier – like a fence
  applications – apps. Different programs
  access – get
  1. If all schools will expect their students to have an iPad or something similar in the future, what will happen to students whose parents do not have enough money to buy one?
  2. Is the iPad the best choice?
  3. Why is the iPad so expensive
  4. Do you think students in the future will be able to write by hand?
  5. Do you think many students know more about these devices than their teachers do?
  6. What are some of the advantage and disadvantages of expecting all students to have their own personal electronic device?