新西兰英语 492 Measles in Auckland(在线收听

   Many Auckland people have had measles in the last four months. The numbers are increasing and the Medical Officer of Health thinks we may have a measles epidemic. So far, in Auckland, doctors know of 164 people who have had measles in the last four months but there are probably many more people who did not go to a doctor. Twenty-four people had to go to hospital but nobody died. It’s been 20 years since anyone died of measles in New Zealand. However, measles can lead to serious illnesses.

  The only way to make sure you don’t get measles is to be immunised. Children get their MMR vaccination when they are 15 months. This protects them against Measles, Mumps and Rubella. It is free.
  Symptoms of measles are watery eyes, runny nose, white spots inside the mouth and, later, a rash which starts on the head and moves down the body. Measles spreads through coughing and sneezing. It takes 10 days or more to develop. It is very infectious.
  Now there are cases of measles in Christchurch and Wellington, because people who were infectious travelled by plane from Auckland. It is easy to see why the Medical Officer of Health is worried about an epidemic.
  For more information on measles go to Auckland Regional Public Health Service.
  Make sure you know these words:
  measles, mumps, rubella
  immunise / immunisation
  vaccine /vaccination
  Word Collocations
  These words go together: protect against; cases of measles; it’s been X years since …; it is easy / hard to see why…;