新西兰英语 500 Pike River Inquiry(在线收听

    Listen to July 13th 2011 to hear about the first stage of the inquiry.

  The second stage of the inquiry into the Pike River mine explosion began yesterday and will continue for three weeks. This stage will examine the Search and Rescue after the explosion.
  A surviving miner, an electrician who was working at the mine, and the mine manager all gave their evidence yesterday and today. The miner, Daniel Rockhouse managed to escape and drag another miner, Russell Smith, with him. Daniel talked about how he lost consciousness after the explosion and fell on the ground. After about 20 minutes he woke and dragged himself to the entrance. On the way, he found Russell Smith, partly conscious. He dragged Russell then helped him walk to the entrance, stopping at air pipes on the way for fresh air. When they got to the entrance, an ambulance was waiting.
  All three people who gave evidence were very upset and found it difficult to speak at times. Many people listening in the court room were also upset. Both Daniel and Russell nearly died. Twenty-nine other miners did not survive.
  The reason for the inquiry is to find out if mistakes were made and to learn how mining can become safer in the future.
  Do you know the meaning of these words?
  Listen again and see if you can work out the meaning from the context.