美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-07-14(在线收听

 Boston Bombing suspect Jahar Tsarnaev arrived at his first pubilc court hearing since his arrest days after the April 15th attack. Survivors and family members of the victims were in the courtroom while spectators crowded outside.

A landslide triggered by heavy rain and winds in western China has buried up to 40 people. Rescue efforts are still underway and some areas are experiencing the worst flooding in 50 years.
"I think he did something wrong." The head of the rail company responsible for the train explosion in Quebec toured the damaged area, a day after police said they are pursuing a criminial investigation into the incident that killed 15 people, Edward Burkhardt blamed an employee for not setting the brakes properly.
Police in Michigan are trying to identify the driver who backed his car into a woman pushing a stroller, dragging it for a short distance before fleeing. Miraculously, neither the woman nor the toddler were seriously injuried.