新西兰英语 644 Dunedin’s Chocolate Carnival(在线收听

   The Cadbury Chocolate Carnival started yesterday in Dunedin and continues all this week. The home of Cadbury chocolate is Dunedin and every year the city celebrates with many activities involving chocolate. Danyon Loader, a double gold medalist in swimming, opened the carnival with an exhibition of portraits of 31 New Zealand gold medal winners, made in chocolate – white chocolate, dairy milk chocolate and dark chocolate.

  Each day, there are many activities for the whole family. These include a fun run, quizzes at the museum and library, with chocolate prizes. There is also a clown show, tours of the chocolate factory and the chance for children to paint in chocolate.
  The highlight of the carnival is on Friday: the Jaffa Race down the world’s steepest street, Baldwin Street. Jaffas are round sweets made of chocolate with a hard orange candy coating. They look a bit like marbles and they roll easily down a slope. This year, Cadbury has made black and white jaffas to celebrate our team going to the Olympics. Cadbury is one of the sponsors of the New Zealand Olympics team. There are two jaffa races. It costs $1 to buy a ticket and hope that your jaffa wins. The money goes to charity – for sick kids and for a parents’ centre.
  carnival – festival
  double gold medalist – he won two gold medals
  exhibition – a show e.g. paintings on a wall
  portrait – a picture of someone’s face
  highlight – most exciting event
  steep – opposite of flat; the maximum, near the top, is 1:2.86
  marbles – small glass balls used in children’s games
  slope – a hill
  sponsor – many companies give money for our Olympics team which advertises the company
  charity – an organisation which helps poor or sick people