访谈录 2013-06-17&06-19 好莱坞大牌明星呼吁世界无核化(在线收听

Today,I state clearly and with conviction,America's commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.A world withour neclear weapons,this matters to people everywhere.Some argue that the spread of this weapon can not be stopped,can not be checked.Sush fatalism is a deadly adversary.For if we believe that the spread of neclear weapons is inevitable,then in some way we are admitting to ourselves that the use of nuclear weapons is inevitable.To denounce a call for cooperation is an easy but also a cowardly thing to do.That's how wars begin.That's where human progress ends but make no mistake when we fail to persue peace.Let the mistake forever beyond our grasp.It will take patience and persistence but we must ignore the voices who tell us the world can not change.Human destiny will be what we make of it.That is bridge our divisions,fill upon our hopes and accept our responsibility to live this world more properous and more peaceful than we found it.And I demand zero.The world must stand together to prevent the spread of this world.
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