英文歌曲 你看不见的我是蓝色的:The Weepies- Just Blue(在线收听

你看不见的我是蓝色的:The Weepies- Just Blue

The Weepies,一支由Deb Talan和Steve Tannen(夫妻档)组成的流行民谣二重奏。简单流畅的旋律,清新舒服的人声,便是他们的音乐最大的特色。
这首《Just Blue》的歌词,和范晓萱的《自言自语》有着异曲同工之妙。头顶的天空是灰色的,脚下的泥土是红色的,明媚的初春也已然绽放绿色。你看不见的我,却是蓝色的。"Close my eyes, see you instead. I'm missing you and there's not a thing to do", 因无法与思念中的人见面,而独自沉浸在忧郁之中。百无聊赖的情绪表露无遗。

Song:Just Blue
Artist:The Weepies

Red dirt fields in Tennessee
Red dirt mud, slow wet feet
Red dirt clay stuck in my heart
Clogging up the way
The tears come through
I'm blue, just blue, just blue

Pale gray sky above my head
Dark gray road, my rolling bed
Close my eyes, see you instead
Neon cafe sign across the street is glowing red
But I'm blue, I'm blue and there's not a thing to do
I'm blue, just blue, just blue
just bule, just blue, just blue

Look into the windows, see what's caught my eye
Duck in to avoid the rain, a baby wants to cry
So do I, so do I

White and green, a few spring blooms
A reckless day in sparkle rooms
Paint my face and fingertips all rose and new
Still blue
I'm missing you and there's not a thing to do
I'm blue, just blue, just blue
