标准美语发音的13个秘诀 CD 4 Track 14(在线收听


Chapter 8. More Reduced Sounds      CD 4 Track 14 

There are two sounds that look similar, but sound quite different. One is the tense vowel [u], pronounced ooh, and the other is the soft vowel [ü], whose pronunciation is a combination of ih and uh. The [u] sound is located far forward in the mouth and requires you to round your lips. The [ü] is one of the four reducedvowel sounds that are made in the throat: The most tense, and highest in the throat is [ε], next, slightly more relaxed is [i], then [ü], and deepest and most relaxed is the neutral schwa [ə]. For the reduced semivowel schwa + R, the throat is relaxed, but the tongue is tense.

