标准美语发音的13个秘诀 CD 4 Track 29(在线收听


Exercise 9-2: The Vile VIP          CD 4 Track 29 

Repeat after me, focusing on V and W.

When revising his visitor's version of a plan for a very well-payed avenue, the VIP was advised to reveal none of his motives. Eventually, however, the hapless visitor discovered his knavish views and confided that it was vital to reviewthe plans together to avoid a conflict. The VIP was not convinced, and averred that he would have it vetoed by the vice president. This quite vexed the visitor, who then vowed to invent an indestructible paving compound in order to avenge his good name. The VIP found himself on the verge of a civil war with a visitor with whom he had previously conversed easily. It was only due to his insufferable vanity that the inevitable division arrived as soon as it did. Never again did the visitor converse with the vain VIP and they remained divided forever.
