

World Leaders Begin G20 Summit in Russia 世界各国领导在俄罗斯举行G20峰会

Leaders of the world’s 20 major economies, both developed and developing, are meeting in the Russian city of St. Petersburg Thursday and Friday to discuss economic and other issues. The eyes of the international community are on these G20 leaders as they discuss, among other issues, how to end Syria’s bloody civil war. The world’s economy remains the official number one topic at the annual forum.


For days ahead of the G20 summit, President Obama has urged world leaders to support punitive action against Syria for breaking the international ban on the use of chemical weapons. But during a stop in Sweden Wednesday, he made it clear that the economy remains his top priority.


"And as I head into the G-20, I shared my view that here in Europe and around the world, we’ve got to stay focused on creating jobs and growth," Obama said. "That’s going to be critically important not only for our economies but also to maintain stability in many of our democracies that are under severe stress at this point."

“我正要去参加20国峰会,我会与欧洲及世界各国领导专注于讨论关于创造就业及经济增长的话题。” 奥巴马说,“这不仅对我们的经济至关重要,也对保持我们现在面临巨大压力的许多民主国家的稳定性至关重要。”

Some people see the two issues as inseparable.


"The dampening of growth is really impacted by what’s happening in Syria, that’s a core G20 agenda, but at the end of the day, G20 has to deliver on the expectations of people in their countries and they’re all looking at the utter impotence of the world when it comes to 2 million refugees, a million of them kids, 100,000 dead in Syria. So I think it’s inescapable,’’ said Tim Costello, CEO of World Vision, Australia’s largest charity organization.

澳大利亚最大的慈善组织世界宣明会CEO,Tim Costello(蒂姆·科斯特罗)说,“叙利亚当下的状况的确影响抑制了经济增长,叙利亚问题必会成为20国集团峰会的核心议程。如果当一天议程结束而没有讨论叙利亚问题的时候,20国集团领导们怎么能坦然面对这个国家的人民对他们的期望?怎么能让叙利亚人民看到整个世界在面对叙利亚200万难民,其中包括100万是孩子们,10万死亡者时的彻底的无能为力无所作为吗?所以我认为讨论叙利亚问题是不可避免的。”

Russian political analyst Konstantin Eggert said it is unrealistic to expect any practical decisions on global issues from the 20 nations of different and sometimes conflicting interests. He cited the tense relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama.

俄罗斯政治分析家Konstantin Eggert(康斯坦丁·埃格特)说,期望从这20个不同的甚至时有利益冲突发生的国家,对全球问题达成一致,做出任何实际决定是不现实的。他用俄罗斯总统普京和美国总统奥巴马之间的紧张关系作为例证。

"President Putin doesn’t like, or I would even put it stronger, despises President Obama -- sees him as an inexperienced politician, a person too much focused on his own public relations, who has too much trust in ratings and his spin doctors, a person who has changed his Middle East policies twice in the last two years,’’ Eggert said.


The annual G20 gathering is an opportunity for world leaders to hold bilateral talks on the sidelines of the summit. But President Obama is not expected to meet with his Russian counterpart. He cancelled a planned state visit to Moscow last month after Russia granted temporary asylum to fugitive U.S. intelligence leaker Edward Snowden. Mr. Obama is planning instead to meet with a group of Russian rights activists.


President Putin defended his government’s human rights record on the eve of the summit.


"This year, the funding from government sources of the NGO [non-governmental organization] activity, including human rights protection, has more than tripled," Putin said. "More than $100 million were allocated to implement socially important projects."

“今年,政府拨款支助对包括人权保护活动的非政府组织活动的资金翻了三倍多。” 普京说,“1亿多美元被分配到社会重要项目上。”

The 20 countries represented at the summit account for two-thirds of the world population and 90 percent of its economic output.

