
   DEREK: You won't believe what just happened.

  KELLY: What?
  DEREK: I went down to change some money, right?
  KELLY: Yes. We need some. How much did you change?
  DEREK: I wanted to change around 5000 dollars. And you know the exchange rate.
  KELLY: Yes, it's about 35 pesos for every Taiwan dollar, right?
  DEREK: Not today.
  KELLY: What do you mean?
  DEREK: I went into the bank with my money, and I looked at the exchange board.At first I couldn't believe it. I thought I was reading the board wrong or something.
  KELLY: Why?
  DEREK: Because the board said 60 pesos for every Taiwan dollar.
  KELLY: Sixty? That's too much. How can that be?
  DEREK: I thought it was wrong too. It didn't make sense.
  KELLY: Just two days ago it was 35. How can it be 60?
  DEREK: So, I went up to the teller and started to exchange the money. And it's true.They really gave me sixty pesos for the dollar.
  KELLY: That's amazing! Really? How could it change so much in two days?
  DEREK: I tried to ask the bank teller why it changed,but she didn't speak English well enough.So I decided to go to the magazine shop. The one around the corner.And I bought an American newspaper.
  KELLY: What happened?
  DEREK: It seems that yesterday the Mexican government declaredit wouldn't pay back the loans it got from the World Bank.The government declared a default on the loans.
  KELLY: That's serious.
  DEREK: I know. The economy here is having serious problems.But because the government declared a default, the currency value went way down.
  KELLY: So now Mexican pesos are worth about half as much.
  DEREK: Yes, it's an amazing drop.
  KELLY: Wow. I feel sorry for the Mexicans. But it's good for us.
  DEREK: Yes, it's very good. We suddenly have twice as much money to spend here.Our hotel is now half as expensive as when we got here! Isn't that strange?
  KELLY: Yes, and you know what?
  DEREK: What?
  KELLY: I don't really li