
   put the squeeze on someone对某人施加压力

  The new situation is putting the squeeze on all companies engaged in this business.
  · stand up to someone与某人大胆对抗
  The soldier stood up to the officer and was place in confinement.
  · thank one's lucky stars感到万幸
  I should thank your lucky stars that you missed the plane which crashed into the sea.
  · get off to a flying start来了开门红
  Our kindergarten got off to a flying start by having 100 children to sign up in the first month.
  · go steady with someone 与异性稳步发展关系
  Mary and Tim got married after going steady with each other for two years.
  · watch one's step当心
  You're better watch your step when you go out with John. He is a trouble-maker.
  · a stick-in the-mud老古董
  He is a stick=in-the-mud and will never invest his money in stock.
  · be a stickler吹毛皮的人
  I don't like to go to her home. She is a stickler for neatness.
  · turn someone's stomach令人作呕
  Her sweet voice turned my stomach.
  · fall between two stools鸡飞蛋打
  Tying to straddle two boats, he took up two jobs with two salaries. At last, unable to do either well.
  · weather the storm度过难关
  The wooden house weathered the storm.
  · harp on the same old string老调重弹
  He really gets on my nerves. He always harps on the same old string by promising us a paid holiday., but he never keeps it.
  · give someone the cold shoulder冷待某人
  I hate going to expensive hotels. The receptionist always gives me the cold shoulder when she sees my plain clothes.
  · steal the show喧宾夺主
  Cinderalla stole the show in the Prince's party.
  · side with someone与某人站在一起,支持某人
  I'm your friend, but I'm afraid I won't side with you on that issue.
  · have a memory like a sieve记性太差
  I think a computer notebook will be of great help for me, since I've got a memory like a sieve.
  · out of clear blue sky意料不到
  Yesterday, out of a clear blue sky, My landlady gave me a one-day notice, asking me to move out.
  · make a slip of the tongue说走嘴
  The class burst into laughter when the teacher made a slip of the tongue. He meant to say "Good morning" to students, but he said "Good afternoon".
  · be on the sly办事狡猾
  The boy was smoking in the corner when his father caught him on the sly.
  for a song以级低的价钱,廉价地
  I got the rare edition of the book for a song in the flea market.
  · sound someone out试探某人的意见
  Have you sounded the principal out on postponing the final examination?
  · call a spade a spade有什么就说什么
  We are good friends. Call a spade a spade. Don't tell me in a round-about way.
  · spick and span干干净净
  The housewife always keeps her kitchen spick and span.
  · go for a spin出去兜风
  The city dwellers like going for a spin to the country on weekends.
  · spine-chilling令人毛骨悚然
  He likes horrible films. Those spine-chilling pictures to us are pleasant to his eyes.
  · The spirit is willing; but the flesh is weak.心有余而力不足
  A: How many times have you tried quitting smoking? B: It's not that the spirit is not willing, but that the flesh is weak.
  · put out a feeler to do...试探……的反应
  The chairman put out a feeler to see people's reactions to his election speech.
  · be dead on one's feet筋疲力尽
  Our boss regards us his slaves. Everyday after work.
  · land on one's feet安全摆脱困境
  With the loan from the bank, the company landed on its feet.
  · stand on one's feet自食其力
  The Chinese Communist Party decided to stand on their feet during the Liberation Campaign. People in Naniwan were called upon to develop agriculture.
  · sit on the fence保持中立
  Who would you vote for? You bet I won't vote for him. He likes sitting on the fence on important issues.
  · play the field不正经干
  He is really a playboy, He likes to play the field and is never serious with any one girl.
  · burn one's fingers因管闲事而吃苦头
  I always tell you to keep away from the scoundrels. Now you are burning your fingers.
  · have sticky fingers手不老实。有小偷小摸的陋习
  The old lady fired the maid because she had sticky fingers.
  · the black sheep of the family有辱门楣的人
  He lost everything in gabling and was called the black sheep of the family by this relatives.
  · take a shine to someone一见就中意
  She is an animal-lover. She takes a shine to whatever animal she meets.
  · give someone the shirt off one's back为某人慷慨解囊,毫不吝啬的接济某人
  He works in the charity organization and strongly believes that he who gives others the shirt off his back will be blessed by the God.
  · lose one's shirt输得精光
  The man didn't leave Las Vegas until he lost his shirt.
  · know where the shoe pinches知道问题所在
  A wise leader should be one who knows where the shoe pinches and knows what to do with it.
  · a shot in the dark瞎猜
  I didn't know which button was for TV. I pushed one, and TV was turned on. It was mere a shot in the dark.
  · a poor apology for...蹩脚货,名不副实
  That travel agency was first-class, but it offered a poor apology for its service