美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-10-13(在线收听

 President Barack Obama officially nominated Janet Yellen to be the next Federal Reserve chairman. She's currently number 2 at the Central Bank behind outgoing Ben Bernanke and would be the first woman to head the Reserve.

An Associated Press-GFK poll found the public feels Republicans more than Democrats are responsible for the government shutdown. 62% mainly blame the GOP, about half said Obama or Democrats are to blame.
A passenger with no flying experience safely landed a light aircraft in the dark in norhtern England Tuesday night, the pilot felt ill at the controls, but air traffic controllers were on hand to help.
A New York City restaurant called Eat won't let you talk on some nights. The head chef wants patrons to concentrate on the food, and was inspired by his time spent with Buddhist monks in India.
Cindy Sharp, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.