美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-05-15(在线收听

 It's Friday, that's awesome. I'm Carl, this is CNN Student News. Today, we're gonna talk about paying for college, and here how performer takes on bullying.

First, we got something about Syria that United Nation's repretentative call the first hopeful news in a very long time.
The fighting in Syria has been going on since early 2011. Reporter say more 70,000 people have been killed. It stared with protests against Syrian government. That country's military crack down on the protesters, eventually rabbles armed themselves and fight against government forces. Some people have talked about the international community getting involved by sending troops. This week , we heard about possible diplomatic solution. On the left here is US secretary of state John Kerry, on the right is Russia's foreign minister Lavrov. They say their countries wanna set up a conference as soon as possible, to work on forming a new government for Syria. If it happens, this meeting will be the first time that the sides fighting in Syria would come together and negotiate.
In Massachusetts, the question of where to bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev seems to be settled. Earlier in the week, a funeral director said he couldn't find a cemetery to accept the body of the Boston Terro-bombing suspect.
--As a result of our public appeal for help, a courageous and compassioned individual came forward to provide the assistance needed to properly bury the deceased. His body is no longer in the city Winster, it is now in tomb.
Police didn't say where the burial cite is, but they thank the community that provided it.
Today's Shoutout goes out to Mr. Lane Science Class at Mary Harris Intermediate in Fort Worth, Texas. What is the oldest college or university in the United States? Here we go. Is it William and Mary, Havard, Rutgers or Princeton? You got 3 seconds, go!
Harvard University was founded in 1636, making it the oldest institution of higher learning in the US. That's your answer, and that's your Shoutout.
Student loan debt is soaring. The American Institute of CAPs recently took a survey of student loan borrowers, and found the money they owe has made some of them postponed buying cars or houses, in some cases even delayed getting married. What's more, 30 percent of them said they have some regret about taking student loans. So, what's the student who is planning on college to do. Well, education saiing account a good start, you never too young to put money aside. Even the small scholarship can help tuition in shrink down along, and there are often grants are available. Federal state in private that can save your money, if you qualify. Work-study programs may enable you to pay as you go without rocking up so much debt. There is also this: not every well-paying job requirs 4-year college degree. Dental hygienist may only have an associates degree, but can work it their way up to a 68,000-dollar salary. And with a formal apprenticeship, you can work in construction or mechanical trades earning 50,000 or more. So think about the higer education you need, before comitting the college. And remember that while sudent loans are one-way on paying, they are not always the only way.