
PodKitWatch is a new pocket watch style case for the iPod nano that protects and beautifies a nano.

  You can quickly and easily install your nano into PodKitWatch without tools or assembly. You could wear it like a traditional pocket watch, clipped to your clothes and bags. You could also wear it around your neck as a pendant.

  Wearing the nano around your neck is more natural than having it strapped to your wrist or if you get your headphones plugged in.

  Because PodKitWatch has an open back, you can just clip it on using the nano's built-in spring clip.

  For rainy days or when the nano is charging and you can't use a nano as a watch, there's a ClipClock. ClipClock is a water-proof analogue tie piece that is compatiblewith PodKitWatch as well as all other iPod nano compatible watch kits.

  The PodKitWatch and ClipClock are made from aerospace aluminum, using similar manufacturing techniques as Apple uses for its products.

  To make PodKitWatch and ClipClock reality, I need your help. Please become a backer and pledge now - preorder PodKitWatch and ClipClock at great prices available only on KickStarter campaign. Thank you for your support.
