美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-06-16(在线收听

-People do seem maybe a little bit more interesting in Snowden personally, whatmotivate some whether he is Hero or Villain? I personally don't especiallycare.
-A day effected in taxes but it's a new perspective on the travel on MartinKeyes.
-This case is every bit seraphic and every bit is tragic, it's a case that peoplenot to be screaming and hollering about that. It seems to quietly be fadinginto the distance.
-And a day some schools across the country close for summer and some close forever.
-The trend in large scale close of public schools is happening all acrossAmerica.
-I'm Tony Andras and this is CNN Radio News day.
-I'm just another guy who sits there day to day in the office watches what is happening.It goes the public needs to decide whether these programs in policies are rightor wrong.
-Since giving that now famous interview to the Guardian Newspaper in a HongKong hotel. Edward Snowden the man who says he is the source of the NSAsurveillance leak has checked out that hotel and disappeared. U.S. authoritiesare preparing charges against him and told CNN they would be searching his homein Hawaii, interviewing his girlfriend and family members and examining everycomputer he used. In the meantime, the director of National Intelligence JimCrapper says he is ordered report by the end of the week to see how much damagehas been done. He is already told MSNBC.
-All adversaries whether nation's state adversaries on the serious groups,benefit from that same transparency. So as we speak they are going to schooland learning how we do this.
-Now when you think about it this one NSA story is actually much more than that.Those stories are this one man Edward Snowden. And then there is why to debateover government power, and here is something we wondered does the outing ofthis leaker his story and his personal details getting the way of that greatdebate. And his idol story actually change anything? CNN's Stasha Dan reports.
-This NSA story is thought of a war shark test for each one for us a kind ofgage on how we form our opinions. Take the interview that leaker Edward Snowdengave the Guardian, what's shock you more? A statement like this?
-Yeah, I could be round by the CIA. I could have a people come after me.
-Or one like this.
-Even you've not doing anything wrong you been watched and recorded and thestorage capability of the systems increase every year.
-In other words is the story the huge public debate or could it be the man whowants that to be? Is it that collapsing that story with its own?
-People do seem maybe a little bit more interested in Snowden personally whatmotivated him do some or whether is it? Hero or Villain? I personally don'tespecially care.
-Julian Fantasy actually knew about this story before pretty much any of us. Heis an expert on technology and privacy for the libertarian and Cato institute andGuardian reporter Glen Green word called him up for common before his firststory on the weeks publish. And while Edward Snowden and also now photos ofthis possible girlfriend have dominated the lime line since he has believedthat the debate itself has state central.
-Of course those are the buzzes return the Carkar are talking about you knoware look at the Ballet dancer girlfriend that he had leave behind, but I'mmostly still seeing people focus on the substance, whatever you think of himpersonally seems like there were reasons to disturbed here.