名人励志英语演讲 第107期:当梦想来临时抓住它(8)(在线收听

   My Dad had difficulty breathing his whole life, and the complications of Polio are what took him from us too soon. He would have been very upset that Polio still persists even though we have a vaccine. He would have been equally upset that back in India we had polio virus on our shoes from walking through the contaminated gutters that spread the disease. We were spreading the virus with every footstep, right under beautiful kids playing everywhere. The world is on the verge of climinating polio, with 328 people infected so far this year. Let's get it done soon. Perhaps one of you will do that.

  My Dad was valedictorian of Flint Mandeville High School class of 1956 for about 90 kids. I happened across his graduating speech recently, and it blew me away. 53 years ago my Dad said:"... we are entering a changing world, one of automation and employment change where education is an economic necessity. We will have increased periods of time to do as we wish, as our work week and retirement age continue to decline and we wish that true... We shall take part in, or witness, developments in science, medicine, and industry that we can only dream of today... It is said that the future of any nation can be determined by the care and preparation given to its youth. If all the youths of America were as fortunate in securing an education as we have been, then the future of the United States would be even more bright than it is today."
  1. on the verge of
  eg. The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.
  eg. Carole was on the verge of tears.
  2. blow sb. away
  eg. I was blown away by the tone and the quality of the story.
  eg. She just totally blew me away with her singing.
  北京时间2011年1月21日消息,据国外媒体报道,谷歌联合创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)将在2011年4月4日接替埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)担任公司首席执行官,负责公司的日常运营,施密特将担任公司执行主席,专注于外部合作伙伴与政府的合作。
  自2001年7月以来,施密特一直担任谷歌首席执行官。谷歌表示,公司另一位创始人塞吉·布林(Sergey Brin)将关注战略项目及新产品。