美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-09-02(在线收听

 Action tonight by American key ally Great Britain slamming the brake on any immediate military action against Syria unless President Obama wants to go alone which the White House is signaling he might. Parliament in England this evening win a resolution that would vacate the use of force. Win it, and finding it was enough.

Here is the key moment as the measure failed loudly in the House of Commons:
You are like an exploded volcano, erupted. calm yourself man, SINGING...the ayes to the right 272 the nos to the left 285, So the nos have it, the nos have it.
A moment after the vote, Prime Minister David Cameron assured the members that he would not exercise what is known as royal prerogative to go to war without parliamentary approval. 
I strongly believe in the need for tough response to the  use of chemical weapons, but I also believe in respecting  the will of the House of Commons. It is very clear tonight that the house has not passed the motion. It's clear to me that the British Parliament reflecting the views of the British people does not want to see British military action.I get that and the government will act accordingly. 
MPs voted down the measures. by the way despite the report from British joining Intelligence committee calling i quote 'highly likely the Syrian regime used chemical weapons last week outside the Damascus'.. The US Intelligence committee is expected to release its own report to the public sometime tomorrow. 
Now we got a hint tonight what the administration knows senior US officials telling CNN's XX that intelligence reveals senior members of the Alsa regime preparing for a massive chemical attack and discussed it afterwards. Those intercept conversations included the regime members acknowledging the attack was getting a great deal of attention discussing the wisdom of lying low for a while and for going such mass chemical attacks in the near future. 
On the ground meantime UN inspectors kept their work today the boss Sectary General Ban Ki-moon saying he expects them to leave Syria by Saturday morning.In New York, members of the UN Security Council gathered behind closed doors the meeting called by Syria's close ally and arms supplier Russia which is expected to veto any resolution approving the use of force which leaves the White House in a lonely place. Top administration officials working in the phone again today talking to key lawmakers. A senior official tells CNN that unilateral action may be necessary. 
Just yesterday the President made the case that curbing Syria using chemical weapons is America's national interest. 
What's happened had been heartbreaking. But when you start talking about chemical weapons in a country that has the largest stock of chemical weapons in the world, where over time their control over chemical weapons may erode, whether allied to known terrorist organizations that in the past had targeted the United States.Then there is a prospect, a possibility in which chemical weapons, they can have devastating effects, could be directed at us. We want to make sure that does not happen.