名人励志英语演讲 第132期:失败是一个选项 但畏惧不是(3)(在线收听

   But, when I chose a career, as an adult, it was film making. And that seemed to be the best way to reconcile this urge I had to tell stories, with my urges to create images. And I was, as a kid, constantly drawing comic books, and so on. So, film making was the way to put pictures and stories together. And that made sense. And of course the stories that I chose to tell were science fiction stories: Terminator, Aliens, and The Abyss. And with The Abyss, I was putting together my love of underwater and diving, with film making. So, you know, merging the two passions.

  Something interesting came out of The Abyss, which was that to solve a specific narrative problem on that film, which was to create this kind of liquid water creature, we actually embraced computer generated animation, CG. And this resulted in the first soft-surface character, CG animatin that was ever in a movie. And even though the film didn't make any money, barely broke even, I should say, I witnessed something amazing, which is that the audience, the global audience, was mesmerized by this apparent magic.
  You know, it's Arthur Clarke's law that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. They were seeing something magical. And so that got me very excited. And I thought, "Wow, this is something that needs to be embraced into the cinematic art." So, with Terminator 2, which was my next film, we took that much farther. Working with ILM, we created the liquid metal dude in that film. The success hung in the balance on whether that effect would work. And it did. And we created magic again. And we had the same result with an audience. Although we did make a little more money on that one.
  1. make sense
  eg. It all makes sense now.
  eg. His logic is too loose to make much sense.
  2. put together
  eg. The factories no longer relied upon a mechanic to put together looms within the plant.
  eg. He is trying to put a team together for next season.
  3. results in
  eg. Fifty per cent of road accidents result in head injuries.
  eg. Regular trips back to her adopted motherland have resulted in her first book, Tiger Balm.
  4. hang in the balance
  eg. The fate of a project which could revolutionise the use of computers in hospitals hangs in the balance.
  eg. This decision leaves many lives hanging in the balance.
  詹姆斯·卡梅隆1954年8月16日生于加拿大安大略省的名为Kapuskasing的地方,擅长拍摄动作片以及科幻电影。父亲Phillip是一位电子工程师,母亲Shirley Cameron则是一位艺术家。
  1971年他迁往美国,在加利福尼亚州立大学主修物理,但是大学毕业后,他却给别人开卡车。1977年,卡梅隆看到了乔治·卢卡斯的经典科幻影片《星球大战》,他开始意识到自己想要做什么了。他在影坛的第一份正式工作是在罗杰-考曼(Roger Corman)1980年影片《世纪争霸战》(Battle Beyond the Stars)中任艺术总监,制作特技模型。
  第二年,他在电影《食人鱼2》(Piranha Part Two: The Spawning)开始了他的导演之路。该片在意大利拍摄,由于卡梅隆和剧组的工作人员有些矛盾,在拍摄结束后,制片人甚至不让他参加影片的最终剪辑。心高气傲的卡梅隆一怒之下,自己学会了使用意大利剪片机的操作,花了几个星期剪辑了整部电影。从此,卡梅隆发誓要为自己制作电影。