美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-10-26(在线收听

 A woman in charge of rolling out health care reform answers for critics. Some of whom want her to resign. This is CNN exclusive. Let's get started.

By next spring, every American is supposed to have health insurance. Most will get it through their employers, many through Medicaid. Millions will buy coverage on their own. In states like California, New York, Kentucky and 11 others, they have set up their own marketplaces, so people can shop for it and those Web sites are doing all right. In 36 other sates, though, people have to use the federal site: healthcare. gov and it is ungodly mess. New polling bears this out. CBS news asks this: how is the sing up going? 12% say it's going well, just 12%. Nearly half say it's not. And even though, you can sign up by phone, not just online. Trouble with a website is reflecting badly on the health care act itself. In a new ABC news Washington post poll, 55% says problems with the website are a sign of broader problems. Now, remember, this is President Obama signature accomplishment. He battled to pass it. He fought to defend it. He campaigned to preserve it and he with stood a government shutdown aimed at destroying it. Today, the White House promised that they're calling a technology surge to fix it. Health and human service secretary, Kathline Sebilius, today named a management trouble shooter to head up this efforts. Critics, though, said she is the problem, accusing her of bunging with the roll out and not having answers to some very basic accountability questions. Tonight, she speaks to those critics.  It's a 360 exclusive and here's part one.