NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2013-10-16(在线收听

 Tremendous progress according to the senate majority leader Harry Reid, though he says he and his GOP counterpart in the senate aren't there yet. The comments on the senate floor, coming as democratic and republican senators working on a fiscal deal would extend the US borrowing authority and reopen the government. NPR's AuthoTranxxx has more. 

The neither leader is commenting specifically on the deal just yet. It's still taking shape and the details seem to be changing. There seems to be multiple proposals, but the talk still seems to be focusing on at least reopening the government through neither the end of this year or into early next year, and raising the debt selling into the early part of 2014. 
NPR's AuthoTranxx, senate leaders are set to meet again tomorrow. Meeting at the White House earlier today was postponed to meet signs of progress between the respective sides. 
Tomorrow six world powers meet with Iran in Geneva for talks on verifying that country's nuclear intensions. As NPR's Emily Harry explains from Jerusalem, some Israelis say a diplomatic solution is possible to keep iran from developing a nuclear bomb. 
Israel's minister of intelligence  Yuval Steinitz said if Iran faced a real choice between improving its economy and continuing its nuclear program. It's possible Iranian leaders would stop enriching uranium and close nuclear facilities. 
We want the Geneva talks to succeed, and we don't close the door for diplomatic solution. 
Israel is trying to convince world powers to keep sanctions in place until it's clear Iran can not develop a nuclear weapon. In a speech opening a new session of parliament Monday, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said easing sanctions early would be a historic mistake. Emily Harry NPR NEws, Jerusalem. 
A powerful 7.1-magnitude earthquake that hit the southern Philippines today reported to have claimed at least four lives, but it may be more deaths and damages resulted of the relatively shallow quake. There were reports from the Philippine national disaster agency that four people died in the town of Siboxx, after a building collapsed on top of them. US geological survey confirmed the quake which apparently centered around Bohol island, north of another island, apparently no threat of a tsunami. 
Three Americans have won the Nobel prize for economics, Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Yale economist Robert Shiller, showing that they were often hard to sort out, the day to day noise on Wall Street, longer term, markets made much more sense. Shiller says it was not prepared when the call came from the committee this morning bell. 
While I was getting out of the shower, this morning, I wasn't properly dressed, but I didn't run on miss the phone call, so I talked in our kitchen. 
The work done by the trail shows statistical methods can be developed to test there as if assets and how that attects financial market pricing. The three-member shared the 1.2 million-dollar prize. 
Stocks after a sharply lower open moved higher near the close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 64 points to close at 15,301; the NASDAQ rose 23 points today. You are listening to NPR News in Washington. 
In Vietnam, reports over 180,000 people are being evacuated from coastal areas to schools and public buildings as typhoon Nari bears down on the country. The powerful strong passed over the Philippines over the weekend killing at leat 13 people there, is expected to reach the Vietnam's coast by early tomorrow morning, brings sustained winds up to 83 miles an hour, sorts heavy rain could cause flooding and property damage. At least ten popular tourist hotels in the town of  Hoi An, were ordered to move their guests inland. 
Some of the Red Cross workers kidnapped in northern Syria were free today after the international committee of the Red Cross said one of their teams have been abducted. TimfySiemensxx, reports. 
Three of the six workers from international committee for the Red Cross, and one volunteer from the Syrian Arab Red Cross were released sick in sound, according to a trade posted by the ICRC's head operations for the middle east. Three more ICRC workers whose identities are still unknown, remain missing. Their combo was attacked yesterday by unknown assailants in Aidxx province in northwestern Syria. Elsewhere, /// province, a car bomb killed at least 27 people in the rebel controlled town of dDxxxx, near the Turkish border. The bomb went off the town's market and some of the injured were evacuated cross the border to  Turkey for medical assistance. For NPR News, I'm TinfyxxSiemensxx, in Beirut. 
Germany's been as side step tougher EU emissions loss contending the law could harm its auto industry, though it may be only temporary. Made strong lobbying from Berlin, the 28-nation block agreed to postpone the new tougher guidelines, the EU climate commissioner deployed the delay and stressed that the scope of any rule changes very limited.  Germany has been seeking a four-year delay on the law which limited carbon dioxide emissions of car fleets. 
Crude oil futures prices closed higher today, the price of oil was up $0.38 a barrel to close at $100.41 a barrel in New York. 