
  Chicago's new police superintendent


  The new blue


  Newark’s crime-cutting cop comes to Chicago


  May 5th 2011 | NEW YORK | from the print edition

  RAHM EMANUEL, soon to be sworn in as Chicago’s new mayor, is making crime a priority. He wants to put 1,000 more officers on the streets. He wants to tackle youth violence; nearly half of the victims of last year’s 436 murders were between 10 and 25 years old. And he wants to shake up a police department that is demoralised and in need of change. So on May 2nd he tapped Garry McCarthy (pictured), Newark’s police director, as the city’s new top cop.

  不久就要宣誓就职芝加哥新市长的RAHM EMANUEL 把治理犯罪作为上任之后要处理的第一要务。他想要在街上安插1000多名警察,治理青少年暴力也是他的计划之一。就去年而言,436名谋杀被害者中,几乎有一半的受害者年龄在10到25岁之间。他想要重振急需改变的警察局的士气。因此在5月2日,RAHM EMANUEL任命纽瓦克警察总指挥Garry McCarthy(如图)为芝加哥市的新警长。

  Mr McCarthy’s track record is excellent. Five years ago some police stations in Newark, New Jersey’s biggest city, did not even have a computer. Many officers worked only on weekdays, heading home at 5pm. The police department did not have a centralised narcotics division because of fears of police corruption. Drugs were sold openly on the city’s grim streets. Mr McCarthy, who rose through the ranks of New York’s police department, shifted desk jobs to the street, where officers were ordered to clamp down on petty crime as well as the more serious stuff. He implemented CompStat, an effective data-driven policing strategy he helped create when he was with the NYPD. He installed a surveillance system to take on gun crime.

  McCarthy先生过去的工作记录十分优秀。5年前,一些位于新泽西最大的城市纽瓦克的警局甚至还没有电,许多工作人员仅在周一到周五的工作日上班,一到下午五点就下班回家。整个警局因担心贪污腐败的问题而缺乏凝聚力。毒品在背街小岛公开兜售。McCathy先生,这位曾将纽约警察局提升了档次的官员,他将纽瓦克警察局的办公地点由办公室转移到街道上去 。警察们严厉打击犯罪及各种突发事件,他还采用了一种称为CompStat的策略,这是他协助NYPD研究出的一种以数据驱动的警用策略。除此之外,McCarthy先生还安装了一种测量系统以应对枪支犯罪。

  Police productivity increased, sick days decreased and crime began to fall. In 2008 Newark led the nation in murder reduction with a 32% decrease. March 2010 was Newark’s first murder free month in decades—37 days without a killing. This past year, however, has been difficult. Crime has increased. Last summer saw 35 murders, carjackings plagued the city and in November 167 police jobs were cut because of a budget gap and an impasse with the police union. Chicago might well have looked attractive.


  He will have to win the trust of Chicago’s police officers. Mr McCarthy will fight gangs by joining forces with community groups, as he did in Newark. He will emphasise beat policing, posting police around the clock in crime-ridden areas. “He will be a good fit for Chicago”, predicts David Kennedy of John Jay School of Criminal Justice. He is both a “cop’s cop” and open to innovation.

  McCathy先生定将赢得芝加哥当地警方的信赖。他还将要加入当地社区警队打击黑恶帮派团伙,就像他在纽瓦格做的那样。同时他还要着重警方策略的调整,在案件多发地带安排更多的警力。JOHN JAY犯罪司法学校的DAVID KENNEDY预测到“芝加哥将会是他大显身手的地方”。McCarthy 先生既是一个警察中的警察也是一个不折不扣的革新者。
