
   Gmail under attack

  Something phishy
  A Chinese cyber-attack on a jumpy America
  Jun 2nd 2011 | from the print edition
  THE more onerous internet security in the office becomes, the more attractive easy-to-use services such as Google’s Gmail. This paradox is at the heart of what looks like a big cyber-attack by China (or Chinese hackers) against the private e-mail accounts of hundreds of senior officials, military types and journalists from America and Asian countries, chiefly South Korea.
  Google says it has “detected and disrupted” this campaign, first noted in February by a blogger, Mila Parkour. Unlike previous Chinese attacks on Google, which involved heavyweight cryptographic attacks on its software, this one was clever but simple. Targets received plausible-seeming “phishing” e-mails, often sent from faked State Department addresses, with a subject line such as “Fw: Draft US-China joint statement” and an attachment. Clicking on that produced a bogus Gmail screen. Anyone unwise enough to give their login and password would make their past and future e-mails, and contacts, available to the snooper.
  谷歌引用米拉??帕库尔(Mila Parkour)于二月发表的博文,帕库尔撰文称“检测出用户受到袭击”。此前中国对谷歌的袭击包括了对谷歌软件的关键密码的袭击,不同的是,此次事件即巧妙又简易。受害者收到的邮件看似正常,其实不然,通常发件人是(伪)国务院,主题类似“转自:中美联合声明”,附有附件一份,点击邮件就会弹出一个假的Gmail网页。但凡不够警惕的人就会输入账号和密码,这样攻击者就获得了这些人过去及将来的邮件和合同。
  Google has tense relations with the Chinese authorities. In 2010 it stopped co-operating with their censorship efforts, moving its servers to Hong Kong; it is struggling to renew licences it needs for its other operations (it still employs 500 people in China, many of them selling advertising). Now it is talking to the FBI.
  But the target of the attack is Google’s customers. The Chinese government denies having any part in the scam, but the e-mails seem to have come from the eastern city of Jinan, home to a Chinese military cyberwarfare unit and a college blamed for other attacks on America. This one comes at a time when people there are already jumpy about electronic security. Lockheed Martin, the government’s main information-technology provider, said last week that it had experienced a “significant and tenacious attack”. A forthcoming Pentagon report says that cyber-attacks could in future prompt a military response. Shooting careless officials would be a start.
  该事件受害者可是谷歌的用户群。中国政府拒绝承认与该事件有任何关联,但是攻击邮件似乎是来自中国东部城市济南——中国军事网络战部队基地,此前美国遭受的其他袭击归咎到济南一所学校之上。人们对电子网络问题惊魂未定时又发生了此次袭击事件。美国政府主要的信息技术供应商洛克希德马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)称,上周该公司遭到过一次“极其严重的持久攻击”。即将出版的五角大楼报告表示,在未来,网络攻击可能会引发军事行动。攻击目标将首先指向悠哉的官员们。