
   Anti-corruption protests in India

  I, the people
  An anti-graft crusader steamrolls ahapless government
  Aug 27th 2011 | DELHI | from the print edition
  SQUELCHING barefoot in the sludge atRamlila Maidan, a park in central Delhi, a middle-aged man praises the people’slove for his guru, Anna Hazare. His eyes shine with zeal and hunger. His legs have cramp from fasting, for over a week, beside his 74-year-old leader. Sowhat? We train our bodies to go without food for 30 days, he says. To loseflesh is to gain energy.
  赤脚穿行于德里市中心Ramlila Maiden兰姆力拉广场公园的淤泥中,一位中年男子表达着对他心目中的领袖安纳·哈扎尔的爱戴之情。他的眼神闪烁着激情和饥饿。一周多来追随其74岁领袖,他的双腿因绝食而痉挛。这又怎样呢?他说,30天来我们绝食来训练我们的身体。牺牲肉身来获取精力。
  Mr Hazare, who has himself lost 6kg, isprone on a platform nearby, framed by a huge poster of Mahatma Gandhi, whosemethods he has adopted. A bank of television cameras and a devoted crowd, tensof thousands strong, watch him intently, day and night, cheering and chantingin a sea of mud. Groups of uniformed schoolboys march about, flourishing theIndian tricolour. Young men sport white Gandhi caps with “I am Anna” penned onthe sides.
  Trade is brisk in Hazare rosettes,headbands, T-shirts, and badges. Five rupees (10 cents) gets three swipes ofpaint—saffron, white, green—on your cheek. Even police X-ray gates have“corruption-free India” scrawled on them. Dozens of cities have their ownmarches and protests. The country’s thicket of excitable cable-news networksreports on nothing else.
  Mr Hazare’s campaign has turned him froma noted social reformer into a national figure. He has demanded that, by the endof the month, parliament pass a bill his team has written setting up ananti-graft ombudsman, or Lokpal, tooversee every part of government from the serving prime minister and SupremeCourt down, holding every government body accountable for corruption andpotentially becoming a powerful new arm of the state.
  On August 24th, after talks with MrHazare, the ruling Congress Party called an all-party meeting at the primeminister’s residence, which agreed to resist the activist. A day earlier theprime minister, Manmohan Singh, had been rebuffed after begging Mr Hazare tocall off the fast for the sake of his health and a “shared” goal of wiping outcorruption.
  In the end the government may havelittle option but to give in to the street protesters, but as of August 25th itwas playing for time. Although one ageing but spirited opposition leader, L.K.Advani, has urged the government to quit and call a fresh election, nobody elseseemed keen. Even Mr Advani’s Bharatiya Janata Party quickly said it did notwant early polls.
  也许最终政府除了向街头示威者妥协外并无多少选择,不过才25号,它仍有时间。虽然一位年长却精神矍铄的反对派领导人L.K. Advani已经要求政府下台并举行新的大选,但无人响应。甚至Advani自己的印度人民党也很快说无意于提前选举。
  Quite how Mr Singh’s governmentjustifies its keep, however, is growing harder to see. By turns it has beeninept and indecisive over this affair, while failing to get anything else doneeither. Last week it briefly jailed and tried to muzzle Mr Hazare, whichguaranteed him wide publicity and sympathy instead. That was followed by a daftclaim by Congress that the Americans were egging on the protesters. RahulGandhi, who with three others is supposed to run Congress while his mother,Sonia, gets medical care abroad, has been deafeningly silent, absent from Delhiand offering no leadership.
  如何证明其执政的正当性,辛格政府对此保持沉默,然而,这一点也越发难以体现。无力在其他事上有所突破的同时,在这件事上的转变只代表其无能和犹豫不决。上周辛格政府只是拘禁了哈扎尔,试图使其闭嘴,这反而使得哈扎尔名声大震而且深得同情。之后国会发表一份可笑的申明,说美国人在抗议者中煽风点火。当其母Sonia在国外接受医疗的时候,Rahul Gandhi和其他三人一起被认为是国会领导人,但她装聋作哑,既不在德里也不承担任何领导职责。
  Those dismayed by both graft andpoliticians’ hopelessness have felt increasingly inclined to fall in behind MrHazare. Protesters moved from public squares to camp outside the Delhi homes ofgovernment ministers and MPs, unsettling the occupants. One protester set fireto himself on August 23rd.
  By mid-week Mr Hazare’s supportersclaimed they were within sight of a great triumph. They brushed aside questionsabout parliamentary democracy being undermined by a minority of streetprotesters. A bunged-up system needed a jolt, they retorted. A newly assertiveurban middle class looks ever readier to push elected leaders (and unelectedones, like Mr Singh) to act in their interest.
  Cooler heads, however, are wary. Tocraft a campaign against corruption into a movement around a single figure isfaintly troubling. The claim that “Anna is India, India is Anna” sounds closeto cult-speak. As it happens, the Supreme Court, the auditor-general, a panoplyof civil activists and a more assertive press have all helped to hold thecorrupt to account this year. Several powerful figures have been jailed.
  Other doubts exist about Mr Hazare. SomeMuslim leaders are suspicious of the nationalist, and what they see as at timesHindu-dominated, tone and imagery of his campaign. Low-caste Dalits, whorallied separately in Delhi on August 24th, also question his stand. They fretthat if street protesters can, in effect, make one constitutional change, anattack might follow on a treasured but controversial constitutional provision reservingjobs and more for the lowest castes.
  Mostly sceptics bristle at Mr Hazare’smethods. The most revered Dalit leader, the late B.R. Ambedkar, chief draftsmanof India’s constitution, has been much quoted this week for an early warningabout the “grammar of anarchy”, by which he meant using Gandhi-style fasts toimpose your will on a democratic government. Hunger strikes, a form ofblackmail, might have been justified against the British, but not againstelected leaders.
  Such grumbles will not dent Mr Hazare’sprogress. His camp hints at possible future campaigns on electoral changes andeducation reform. Rival fasters might also jump in since a hunger strike’sextended drama so clearly suits live television. Yet elected politicians canpush back. They have an easy way to remind voters how they matter, by gettingon and passing many long-promised bills, for example on further economicreform. Dull and undramatic: but for many voters it matters at least as much ascorruption.