科学美国人60秒 SSS 2013-12-02(在线收听

 This is Scientific Americans 60-Second Science. I am Katherine Harmon. It will take just a minute.

Jupiter's great red spots, it is one of the most familiar site in our solar system, it is also one of the most mysterious. Because based on most calculations, this flash displace gases should be log on. 
Now scientists think they know the secret to the storm endurance which they review at a meeting of American Physical Society division of Fluid dynamical in Pittsburgh. The great red spot is like a huge hurricane but one at aged for a hundred of years. Most models found that turbulence that hit should a blast away spots energy. And apparent near by just strains should which flowed opposite directions should slowed their spin. So how would they still there? In the latest analysis, researchers build a three day model disagree with the red spot, and really give all three dimension they were do. They discovered that the spots horizontal wind completed and a vertical flowed gas that bulb blow keeps feeding in energy. And a circle flow sucks energy from the jet streams and diverted to the storm. All of which, keeps the red spots great by J**
- Katherine Harmon.