NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-01-14(在线收听

 Iran is supposed to start rolling back parts of its nuclear programmes starting January 20th in exchange for some sanctions relief. Now this (interrim) deal is going into a (furt). The US and other world power has 6 months to negotiate a more complete agreement with Iran. NPR M.C report.

Sectary of the state J.C calls this the best chance to resort a critical national security issue. Starting January 20th, Iran will freeze parts of its nuclear programme.Then, he says the even harder part begins negotiations to clear up the all of the questions about the Iran nuclear ambitience. 
We are very clear eyed about the even greater chanllenges that we face in negotiating a comprehensive agreement. It's gonna be a tough negotiation.
The US is offering Iran some limited sanctions relief during these negotiations. Many US law makers want to tighten sanctions to keep up the pressure, but K. says negotiators need some room. K., NPR news with the sectary in Paris.