NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-01-25(在线收听

 Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has ordered 2 reviews of the state of the US nuclear forces. The NPR' s Tom Bowman explains Hagel' s order comes on a hill of air force drug and cheating scandals involving nuclear missile bomb officers.

Hagel has confirmed that the nuclear mission is safe, secure and effective, but Vatican' s spokesman ? Edmund John ? says Hagel wants to review of those who handle the mission. The secretary' s concerns ? are really more ?. People wish inside the nuclear force.
Hagel will meet and talk nuclear officers in the coming weeks to talk about leadership in personnel issues in the appointed independent panel to come up with possible recommendations. Last week the Air Force announced 34 missile-launch officers in the base of Montona were suspended for cheating on routine proficiency exams. 11 other officers were implicated in the drug investigation in Air Force bases from California to England. 
Tom Bowman NPR News, Washington.
South Sudan' s government has signed a ceasefire with rebels in what US is calling a first good step toward ending with a month of fighting in the wars with its nation. Here is ?. 
Shortly after the cessation of possibility with signed and ? by reginal African group, state department' s spokesperson Maria half ? the ? side to begin an inclusive political dialogue.
Disagreement is a critical first step for building a lasting peace in South Sudan, but it is only the beginning of a much longer process to resolve the underlying costs of the conflict to fasten reconciliation and to hold countable those who committed horrific abuses against the South Sudanese people.
The fighting erupted over a political dispute between the country' s president and his former vice president. ? says both sides need to allow 8 workers to reach hundreds of thousands of people in need. 
Michele Kelemen NPR News, Washington.