英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-01-14(在线收听

 Residents who lost their homes in the Perth hills bushfire will be allowed to inspect their properties today. The blaze has destroyed 52 homes and burnt through more than 400 hectares of bushland.(未开垦森林地带,矮灌木丛地带)But it could be days before hundreds of others who were evacuated can return home. 

A man will be face court today after being charged over a crash that killed three people in Melbourne's southeast on Sunday night. The man was driving a car when it allegedly hit and killed a man walking with his wife in Oakleigh. It then crashed into another car, killing a couple in their 60s. 
The man who killed young Sydney man Daniel Christie with a single punch is expected to face court today. The 18-year-old died 11 days after he was attacked in Kings Cross on New Year's Eve. Twenty-five-year-old Shaun Mcneil was charged with murder yesterday.
Asylum-seekers on Christmas Island are protesting against conditions inside the detention centre. Several sources have told the ABC a hunger strike is underway and six detainees have sewn their lips together. It's believed the unrest erupted when several family groups were seperated. Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has declined to confirm or comment on the reports.
Israel's former prime minister Ariel Sharon has been buried with full military honors at his family ranch(大农场,大牧场)in the south of the country. Speakers at a state memorial described him as an imdomitable man divert devoted to the security of his people. Mr. Sharon died at the weekend after eight years in a coma.