

  abandon [E5bAndEn]
  n. 放纵:carefree, freedom from constraint【例】added spices to the stew with complete abandon 肆无忌惮地向炖菜里面加调料【近】unconstraint, uninhibitedness, unrestraint【考法2】
  v. 放纵:to give (oneself) over unrestrainedly【例】abandon oneself to emotion 感情用事,abandon herself to a life of complete idleness 放纵自己过着闲散的生活【近】indulge, surrender, give up
  v. 放弃:to withdrawfrom often in the face of danger or encroachment【例】abandon the ship/homes 弃船,离家
  【反】salvage 救援
  v. 停止做某事:to put an end to(something planned or previously agreed to)【例】the bad weather forced NASA to abandon the launch 坏天气迫使NASA停止了发射【近】abort, drop, repeal, rescind, revoke, call off【反】keep, continue, maintain, carry on 继续复习新GRE单词不仅是为了考试,更重要的是牢牢记住这些词,将它们印在脑子里,这样即使以后不参加考试,在生活中也是很有帮助的。所以,我们应该以这样的心态去学习,才能做到一丝不苟专心致志,效果也才会好,对考试也是有好处的。