英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-02-07(在线收听

 Indonesia's Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa has once again expressed concern about Australia's policy to turn back asylum seeker boats. The ABC has obtained exclusive footage of an Australian navy lifeboat carrying asylum seekers that landed on Java's south coast on Wednesday night. Mr. Natalegawa says the policy is unhelpful.

Schapelle Corby will find out later today whether she'll be freed from a Bali jail. Indonesia's Justice Minister will announce whether he's approved her parole application this afternoon. Corby was jailed for 20 years in 2005 after authorities found more than four kilograms of marijuana in her body board bag. 
Snow boarder Alex Chumpy Pullin will carry the flag for Australia at tonight's opening ceremony of the winter Olympics in Sochi. The 26-year-old world champion was named at the team's reception in Russia overnight. The Olympics torch is getting closer to the main stadium. 
Prime Minister Tony Abbott will meet his New Zealand counterpart John Key in Sydney today. Mr. Key is on a three-day visit to Australia, accompanied by senior ministers and business leaders. They are here to discuss mutual economic opportunities. 
And the Syrian government says a deal has been struck to allow trapped civilians to leave the besieged city of Homs. Homs has been under attack from government forces since 2012. It's believed thousands of women and children are trapped in the old city. Last week's peace talks in Geneva failed to reach an agreement on evacuation. Syria's Foreign Ministry says it' hoped people be allowed to leave before this coming weekend.