英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-02-25(在线收听

 Tony Abbott has put spending cuts to health and education firmly on the government's agenda. The prime minister says the government will keep its pre-election commitment to maintain health and school spending his term, but he says reducing the rate of spending growth will be part of the government's long-term strategy to balance the budget.

Cardinal George Pell has been elevated to one of the Vatican's most senior jobs. The Vatican has announced overnight the Cardinal Pell will be now in charge of the newly-created finance ministry which will oversee the holy sees(圣座), economic and administrative affairs. 
More Australians are drowning in rivers than backyard pools or at the beaches. Royal Life-saving Australia has done a ten-year study of inland river drownings. Thirty-one people has drowned in rivers and dams this summer alone.
A witness of the violence of the Manus Island detention centre last Monday night says guards from the security firm G4S allow locals armed with makeshift weapons in the facility. The vet has told the ABC's 7:30 programme 10 to 15 locals armed with lengths of wood were involved in the violence.
And in Western Australia, a baby who suffered life-threatening injuries after allegedly being bashed by his 15-year-old father has died. The one-month-old child has been on life supports since he was attacked in the Bunbury Hospital, south of Perth last week.  The boy's teenage father has been charged with aggravated grievous bodily harm.