美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-02-15(在线收听

 1. President Barack Obama welcomed French President Francois Hollande to the White House Tuesday morning. The pair met in the Oval Office for nearly 2 hours before a joint news conference. France is considered a key partner in both Syrian and Iranian international efforts. 

2. During the joint news conference, Obama said there is enormous frustration over the situation in Syria. “We still have horrendous situation on the ground in Syria. I don’t think anybody disputes that. And …” The President said the Syrian situation remains one of the top national security priorities.
3. Forecasters are predicting a potentially catastrophic winter storm for Georgia and other parts of the south. The region could be covered by a thick layer ice Wednesday morning. People are staying home and off the road.
4. And in what many are calling a Sochi shocker, snowboard downhill artist Shaun White didn’t win a medal. He finished fourth in the half pipe, losing to a kid they called the i-pod.