美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-02-21(在线收听

 Penn State named a former dean, Eric Barron, as the school's new president. He's the current president of Florida State. He'll head Pennsylvinia's largest university in May as it continues grappling with fallout from the Jerry Sandusky 

sex abuse scandal.
The roof of a resort auditorium in South Korea collapsed during a welcome ceremony for freshmen college students. 9 people, including at least 7 students, were killed, 80 other attendees were injuried.
For the first time ever, the U.S. won Olympic gold in ice dance. Meryl Davis and Charlie White's nearly flawless performance Monday beat out a Canadian pair who took silver. Russia captured bronze in the event.
And about a hundred dogs had their own pre-Carnival Bash in Rio de Jeneiro for the weekend. The dogs donned costumes and partied with their owners in Copababana Beach.