Hourly News 每日新闻 2013-07-23(在线收听

 Gansu earthquake death toll rises to 89

The death toll from yestedray's 6.6-magnitude earthquake in Gansu has risen to 89.
Over 500 others have been injured, with 60 in serious condition.
Another 5 are listed as missing.
At least 400 aftershocks have been recorded following yesterday morning's earthquake in the city of Dingxi.
The strongest aftershock has measured 5.6 on the Richter Scale.
The earthquake has toppled some 12-hundred houses and severely damaged another 21-thousand.
Two helicopters and some 3-thousand search and rescue personell have been deployed to the region, which is located about 200-kilometers south of the provincial capital, Lanzhou.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has issued a statement, calling for the "utmost efforts to reduce casualties".
Premier Li Keiqiang has been working to gather more professional rescue forces to join the search and rescue work.
Meantime, Heavy rains have been hampering the search and rescue work.
Several minor landslides have also been reported in the area, which has been innondated by days of heavy rains.
Chinese premier pledges to advance ties with Tonga
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has with Tonga's Prime Minister.
Li Keqiang has told Siale'ataonga Tu'ivakano the Chinese government is working on reforming its economy to try to ensure China remains an important link in the global economic recovery.
For his part, Tu'ivakano has expressed his condolences to the victims of Monday's earthquake in Gansu.
Kate gives birth to baby boy
The 3rd in line to the British throne has arrived.
Prince William's wife Kate has given birth to a baby boy.
Kate and William arrived at St. Mary's Hospital early in the morning Monday.
The child was born at 4:24pm in London.
He's 8-pounds 6-ounces, and is said to be in fine health.
So far the child has not been named.
Prince William has issued a statement, saying he - quote - "could not be happier."
A 62-gun solute will be fired at the Tower of London on Tuesday to celebrate the arrival of the royal baby.
Egypt's interim president calls for reconciliation after clashes killed 4
Egypt's interim President is calling for national reconciliation and a new beginning.
This comes after clashes left 4 dead on Monday.
Adli Mansour has made the appeal for calm in a speech on the eve of the national celebration of the 1952 Revolution which marked the end of royal rule in Egypt.
The appeal comes amid clashes between opponents and supporters of ousted president Mohammed Morsi in Tahrir Square.
EU lists Hezbollah military wing as terror group, reax
The European Union has decided to label the armed wing of Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah as a terrorist group.
The decision has been made at a meeting of the EU's foreign ministers in Brussels.
It's now illegal for EU countries to fund the group and for Euopean diplomats to meet its military staff.
The label will be reviewed on a 6-month basis.
Lebanese officials, while expressing regret, say Beirut will maintain its ties with the EU.
Suspect in Ohio serial killings to be charged with murder
The suspect in the killing of 3 women in the US state of Ohio has been charged with aggravated murder.
Michael Madison is a convicted sex offender.
Authorities arrested Madison after discovering a series of decomposing corpses found wrapped in garbage bags.
A search has also been launched in east Cleveland for other possible victims.
It's believed the victims were killed within the last 6 to 10 days.
3 killed in S. Africa mine dispute
Three people are dead following a dispute over an abandoned mine in South Africa.
The three were killed in a dispute over who was going to control the illegal operation.
The dispute involved two separate groups of miners.
Authorities have arrested 18 people.
Illegal mining has been on the rise in South Africa, with many unemployed former miners looking for ways to make money.
Beijing knife attack leaves one dead
There's been another deadly knife attack in Beijing.
This time, one woman is dead and 3 others have been hurt after an attack in a Carrefour in the Maliandao area between 2nd and 3rd ring roads.
Reports are suggesting one of those injured is a 2-year old child, who is said to be seriously hurt.
Authorities have identified the attacker as a 50-year old man with a history of mental illness.
This attack follows a similar attack involving a mentally-disturbed man this past week in Beijing's Chaoyang District which left 2-people dead.
63 cases of dengue fever reported in S China
At least 63 cases of dengue fever are being reported in the city of Zhongshan in Guangdong.
All the cases are believed to have been contracted locally.
All have been hospitalized. 
It's said that none of the victims have been to Southeast Asia recently.
This is where Dengue Fever normally occurs in Asia. 
Local authorities are suggesting the recent heavy rains have created a large number of mosquitos.
Dengue Fever is a tropical disease spread through mosquito bites, and has the potential to be fatal.
The number of cases of Dengue Fever has been on the rise in recent years here in China.