Hourly News 每日新闻 2013-08-15(在线收听

Egypt enters into state of emergency after security forces crushed sit-ins

The military-installed government in Egypt has delclared a nationwide month long state of emergency in the aftermath of violent clashes which have now spread to other parts of the country.
The Egyptian Health Ministry says at least 235 civilians have been killed in the clashes.
However the Muslim brotherhood claims the death toll is far higher.
The interior minister Mohamed Ibrahim says the government will not tolerate any more sit-ins.
Egypt's interim PM Hazem Beblawi has defended the operation to break up protest camps in Cairo. He claims they had to "restore security".
Following the bloodshed, Egyptian Vice President Mohamed ElBaradei, also a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and pro-reform leader, has resigned over the violence.

Typhoon Utor makes landfall

Super Typhoon Utor has made landfall.
The powerful storm has hit southwestern Guangdong near the city of Yangjiang.
It's packing winds of 145-kilometers per hour at the epicenter.
Heavy rains are forecast to last till Friday in most parts of Guangdong.
The storm is forecast to track in a northwesterly direction through Guangdong and into Guangxi overnight Thursday.
Numerous flights have been cancelled in nearby Macau, where public transportation and schools have also been shut down.
Mainland authorities in Guangdong and Guangxi are also on full-alert.
More than 158-thousand people have been relocated in Guangdong and Hainan.
So far no injuries or damage have been reported.

China urges Japan to reflect on history of aggression ahead of WW2 anniverary

Chinese government has issued a statement ahead of the 68th anniversary of Japan's surrender in World War II, urging the Japanese side to examine its history of military aggression in order to gain trust from the international community.
Foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei is calling on the Japanese government to abide by its commitment to "recognize and examine" that part of history.
The comments come after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has decided not to visit the controversial Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo to mark the anniversary.
Instead, Abe will reportedly offer a sacrifice to the shrine.
Hong Lei is urging Japanese politicians to "speak and act cautiously" on those issues.
A number of Japan's cabinet members have already announced plans to worship the shrine on Thursday.

China eyes information consumption to boost domestic demand

China is set to make the information technology industry a key domestic driver as part of plans to rebalance the economy.
State Council is targeting information products and services leading consumption which they say will reach 3.2 trillion yuan over the next two years.
The guideline highlights innovation and market forces as ways to promote rapid yet healthy information consumption.
It is hoped the much anticipated 4G license release will help boost information consumption.

Israel, Palestine resume talks in Jerusalem

Israeli and Palestinian negotiators are resuming their peace talks that have been stalled for three years in Jerusalem.
The location of the meeting and their top agenda remain unclear since both sides are cautious toward achieving any breakthrough in the short term.
The two sides have agreed to hold the talks which are expected to last for 9 months after a long international mediation earlier this year.

North and South Korea reach agreement on Kaesong industrial complex

North and South Korea have reached an agreement on the Kaesong industrial complex.
However, neither side is providing a specific timetable for the reopening the complex, which is just across the border in North Korea.
As part of the agreement, Seoul and Pyongyang have agreed to prevent further unilateral shutdowns.
An inter-Korean joint committee is also being set up to discuss compensation for the South Korean companies affected.
Both sides have also agreed to guarantee the security of personnel, property and vehicles of the South Korean companies at Kaesong.
The operations of 123 South Korean companies at Kaesong have been suspended for four months after Pyongyang pulled its 53-thousand workers from the industrial zone in April.

Nigeria military kills top Boko Haram commander

Nigerian military says it has killed a deputy leader of the Islamist group Boko Haram during an operation in the northeast.
Momodu Bama, also known as "Abu Saad", is believed to be the second-in-command of the Islamist group.
Boko Haram has not confirmed Bama's death.
The group is believed to be responsible for the killing of at least 44 worshippers at a mosque in the state of Borno last week.
The Boko Haram insurgency has left thousands of people killed since 2009.

Crew members killed as Indian submarine sank

All 18 Indian sailors have been killed after an Indian Navy submarine caught fire and exploded at its home port of Mumbai.
The sailors were trapped on board when the fire broke out.
A number of other sailors managed to jump to safety before the submarine exploded and sank.
The cause of the initial fire is still unknown, though initial indications are suggesting it may have had something to do with the batteries on the vessel.
