
   There are some great partnerships, aren't there, in the world?

  这世上有一些伟大的拍档 对吧?
  One thinks of Lennon and McCartney and you and Steve Jobs.
  说到这个 人们会想到列侬和麦卡特尼 还有就是你和乔布斯
  Who was Lennon, who was McCartney?
  你们谁是列侬? 谁是麦卡特尼?
  I am so honoured to be considered in that kind of category,
  and yet it's true, it's true.
  不过这是真的 的确
  You know, Steve and I, we were like a...
  乔布斯和我 我们确实...
  Lennon McCartney partnership, exactly. I couldn't say who was who.
  很像列侬和麦卡特尼 我说不清楚我们俩谁对应谁
  I always thought people always attributed me with Lennon
  because I had this brilliant technical and really built and designed the machines.
  因为我有技术上的天分 是我设计并制造了这些电脑
  And then Steve knew how to take it to the public.
  Um, but he had, you know, his own type of brilliance too.
  不过 你知道 他也是有他独特的才华的
  When Apple went public in 1980, it was the most over-subscribed
  当苹果公司1980年上市的时候 它是自1956年福特汽车以来
  offering of shares since that of Ford motors in 1956.
  Success on this scale changed Apple.
  Any company when it becomes public
  and becomes bigger becomes different. Politics seep in.
  就会变得不同 变得不那么单纯了
  The company goal from that point on wasn't to change the world,
  从那时起 公司的目标不再是改变世界
  but to increase the value to shareholders.
  It certainly did that.
  It was worth nearly $2 billion by the end of 1980.
  到了1980年底 苹果的市值达到了近20亿美元
  And Jobs had a quarter of a billion.
  其中 乔布斯个人就拥有2.5亿
  But now money men and women flooded in to Apple,
  and Jobs, just 25, wasn't really taken seriously by them.
  Steve was the chairman, but he wasn't seen as the person
  who had the stature and the maturity to run the company.
  但他初出茅庐 并不被董事会所看好
  Especially as the world around Apple was changing fast.
  除此之外 苹果外面的世界瞬息万变
  Competition in the personal computer market was intensifying.
  In 1981, IBM launched its response to the Apple II -
  1981年 IBM公司发布了他们应对苹果机二代的产品
  The IBM PC.