Hourly News 每日新闻 2013-08-21(在线收听

 China, Kenya leaders pledge to cooperate on national development

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has met with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta in Beijing.
The two sides have pledged to enhance their cooperation particularly in the fields of national development, disaster prevention and poverty reduction.
Meantime, chief of China's largest policy lender, China Development Bank, says the bank has invested 250-million US dollars in Kenya's infrastructure projects, its finance sector and small businesses.
Those funds have been used to popularize the use of digital television and are expected to go into hydro-power, thermal-power and development park projects.
Zheng Zhijie says it was part of the 18.9-billion-dollars of outstanding loans the CDB has brought to African countries so far.
China says window emerges to open talks on Korean Peninsula nuclear issue
A Chinese military spokesperson says a window has emerged to open talks on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue.
Guan Youfei made the comments in Washington on the sidelines of Chinese defense minister Chang Wanquan's visit to the US.
Guan says the US government has voiced willingness to work with the Chinese side to realize a faster solving of the issue.
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood top leader ordered 15 days in prison
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood top leader Mohamed Badie has been ordered to 15 days in prison over the alleged killing of protesters. 
Badie was arrested by police in Cairo on Tuesday, and transferred under intense security to Mazraah prison.
A Brotherhood spokesman said the arrest was part of a plot against the 2011 revolution that ousted Hosni Mubarak.
The Brotherhood leader is accused of killing opponents of ousted Islamic President Mohamed Morsi, inciting clashes against security forces, and assaulting government institutions.
Highly radioactive water leak found at Fukushima
The operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is reporting around 300 tonnes of highly contaminated water has leaked from a storage tank.
TEPCO admits the leak, which hasn't been stopped, could be flowing fast enough to fill an Olympic swimming pool in a week's time.
TEPCO, after months of denials, has finally admitted that contaminated water is reaching the ocean from its shattered facility.
The company is still struggling to figure out how to keep the crippled nuclear plant from doing more damage, despite the earthquake and tsunami hitting the plant 2.5-years ago.
EU to launch independent investigation on PRISM scandal
The European Union's privacy watchdogs are demanding an independent investigation on the the PRISM spying program.
This comes just days after the the British authorities forced the Guardian newspaper to destroy material leaked by Edward Snowden.
Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald is the journalist who broke most of the stories on the controversial PRISM program, amid its ongoing revelations.
It also comes as David Miranda reported to be Greenwald's partner, was held by London police at Heathrow airport for nine hours on Sunday, while in transit from Germany to Brazil.
Merkel visits the Nazi concentration camp
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has visited the remains of a Nazi concentration camp in Dachau, southern Germany.
The visit on Tuesday evening is the first time an acting German chancellor has visited Dachau.
More than 43-thousand people were killed by the Nazis at the camp.
Zimbabwe court dumps challenge to Mugabe's re- election
Zimbabwe's top court has thrown out a petition to challenge the outcome of last month's presidential election, ruling that incumbent president Robert Mugabe was duly re-elected.
The disposal of the court challenge by Mugabe's challenger, outgoing Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, has paved the way for Mugabe's inauguration later this week.
Mugabe got over 60 percent of the vote, while Tsvangirai only garnered around 34 percent.
Observers from several regional blocs and other countries have largely endorsed the outcome.
Czech dissolves parliament for snap election
The Czech parliament has voted to dissolve itself, paving the way for an early election.
The dissolution was supported by 140 members of the 200-seat lower house of parliament. 
President Milos Zeman is now tasked to schedule an election, which is likely to be held at the end of October.
The Czech cabinet led by Prime Minister Jiri Rusnok submitted its resignation last week after failing to win a vote of confidence.
U.S. judge approves Kodak plan to exit bankruptcy
Eastman Kodak Co has just earned court approval for a plan to come out of bankruptcy as a much smaller digital-imaging company.
It's being reported the once mighty photography pioneer plans to emerge from bankruptcy as early as September 3rd.
Kodak will focus its business mainly on commercial products such as high-speed digital printing technology and flexible packaging for consumer goods.
Tickets for 2014 Brazil World Cup go on sale
Tickets for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil have gone on sale.
Fans are now able to apply for the tickets on FIFA's website. 
Around 3.3 million tickets are being made available for the tournament. 
Tickets will range in price from 90-US dollars for first-round matches to 990-US dollars for the final in Rio de Janeiro. 
All applications made before October 10th will enter a random selection draw if there are not enough tickets available to fulfil all requests.
The tournament begins on June 12th.