Hourly News 每日新闻 2013-08-24(在线收听

 Chinese official urges caution to U.S. on Diaoyu Islands issue

Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi is calling on the United States to correctly understand the situation with the Diaoyu Islands.
He also says the US needs to be cautious with its words and deeds.
Yang Jiechi has made the comments while meeting with visiting U.S. senators John McCain and Sheldon Whitehouse.
For his part, John McCain has told Yang Jiechi the United States does not take a position on the sovereignty of the islands.
However, McCain is on-record in Japan as describing the islands as "Japanese territory."
McCain also told reporters in Toyko that China is violating Japan's fundamental right to the islands.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry has warned "relevant U.S. lawmakers" to stop making irresponsible remarks about the islands.
China resolutely opposes chemical weapons use in Syria
China says it "resolutely opposes" any use of chemical weapons in Syria.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei has told reporters in Beijing that China's position is clear. No matter which side in Syria uses chemical weapons, China resolutely opposes it. 
He said China supports the UN Secretariat to carry out an independent, objective, impartial and professional investigation with regards to the allegation in accordance with relevant UN resolutions. 
Hong Lei added that before the investigation ascertains what really happened, all sides should avoid prejudging the outcome.
Trial for Bo's bribery, embezzlement, abuse of power case continues
A second day of hearings has concluded in the trial of former senior party official Bo Xilai.
A 3rd session at the court in Jinan in Shandong is set for today.
As part of the hearings, prosecutors accused Bo Xilai of accepting bribes worth around some 22 million yuan from a pair of businessmen.
He is also accused of embezzling 5-million yuan worth of public funds from the Dalian government while he was the mayor. 
Bo Xilai is also accused of abusing power in trying to obstruct the investigation into murder charges against his wife. 
Bo Xilai has denied the charges of bribe-taking.
Officials sacked over policeman attacking baby
Two police officials in the city of Linzhou have been sacked after a policeman in their bureau threw a baby to the ground. 
The officer was only punished with 15-days confinement by the city's public security bureau.
The Henan Public Security Bureau has determined its local bureau in Linzhou didn't handle the case properly, or report it in a timely manner.
The chief of the Linzhou public security bureau has been dismissed.
A deputy secretary has been removed from his party position.
29 killed, over 500 injured in blasts in Lebanon's Tripoli: Red Cross
At least 29 people were killed and more than 500 others injured on Friday when two powerful explosions rocked Lebanon's northern port city of Tripoli.
The attacks, targeting two mosques in Tripoli, the largest city in northern Lebanon.
occurred after Muslim's Friday prayers, as a result, the twin attacks caused heavy casualties.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon has strongly condemned the attacks and hoped those responsible for such cowardly acts of violence will be brought to justice as soon as possible.
28 killed in suicide bombing in Baghdad
At least 28 people were killed and 36 wounded in a suicide bomb attack in northern Baghdad on Friday evening.
An Interior Ministry source says the suicide bomber in an explosive vest blew himself up at a park packed with families in al-Qahira district.
The toll could rise as ambulances and civilian cars are evacuating the victims to the city's hospitals and medical centers.
Helicopter ditches in North Sea, 15 injured, 3 missing
A helicopter with 18 people on board ditched west of Shetland to the north-east of the British mainland, leaving 15 injured and three missing.
The incident happened west of Sumburgh airport and the injured had been sent to hospital. Rescue operation for the 3 still missing is ongoing.
S.Korea, DPRK agree to hold family reunions in Mt. Kumgang
Family reunions are set to resume on the Korean peninsula.
After being on hold for some 3-years, both South and North Koreas have agreed to resume the reunions.
Following hours of talks this Friday, both sides have agreed to hold 6-days of family reunions starting from September 25th in Mountain Kumgang. 
The number of families involved hasn't been revealed.
Family reunions on the Korean peninsula had been taking place for close to a decade from 2001 to 2010.
However, they were cut off amid rising tensions on the Korean peninsula.
Japan's nuclear regulators visit Fukushima on toxic water leakage
Japan's nuclear regulators have visited the Fukushima nuclear power plant amid the concerns over toxic water leaks. 
300 tons of highly contaminated water has leaked from the storage tank into the Pacific Ocean. 
The government is reportedly considering upgrading the incident from level one to level three.
This would classify it as a "serious accident."
All fishing off the coast near the area has been suspended.