Hourly News 每日新闻 2013-11-12(在线收听

 Typhoon Haiyan kills 5 in China

Authorities in southern China are reporting at least 5 people have been killed in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan.
The massive storm, which cut its way into Guangxi yesterday morning, is now burning out across the region.
The storm hit eastern Vietnam and southern China yesterday with Typhoon-category status.
It has left at least 4 dead in Hainan and one in Guangxi.
Numerous homes on Hainan and in Guangxi have been destroyed by Haiyan.
The massive storm, one of the most powerful ever recorded, first ripped through the Philippines on Friday.
Officially the massive storm killed over 250 in the Philippines.
However, it's widely expected that death toll will rise as more victims become accounted for.
Philippine President Benigno Aquino III has declared state of national calamity.
At least 100 feared dead, hundreds missing in Somalia storm:officials
Authorities in Somalia are warning that at least 100 people are dead, and hundreds of others remain unaccounted for, following a tropical cyclone which hit the country this past weekend.
The cyclone hit on Saturday across the Puntland region, which makes up the tip of the Horn of Africa.
The storm is still circulating over the region, bringing with it icy rain.
Many of the victims are believed to have been swept away into the ocean amid the heavy flooding which is battering the coastal region.
Forecasters are warning the storm system is expected to remain in-place until at least Wednesday.
Taiwan leader pledges against "Taiwan independence"
Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou has reaffirmed his stance against "Taiwan independence".
Ma, who is also chair of the Kuomintang party, made the comments at his party's plenary session.
Ma Ying-jeou says he will not promote "Two Chinas," "one China, one Taiwan" or "Taiwan independence," either inside or outside the island.
He says the relationship between Taiwan and the mainland is not state-to-state.
He has described it as "a special relationship in many aspects".
Iran, IAEA sign deal for inspecting more nuclear facilities
Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency have signed a deal in Tehran to enable UN inspectors access to more nuclear facilities in Iran.
The signing of the agreement has been overseen by IAEA chief Yukio Amano and lead Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali-Akbar Salehi.
Under the new deal, Iran will allow IAEA inspectors to visit Iran's Arak heavy water plant and Gachin yellow cake mine.
Amano's visit to Tehran comes after Iran and the P5+1 failed to reach an agreement in talks in Geneva over the weekend.
Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, plus Germany, have agreed to hold another round of talks later this month.
UN climate talks held in Warsaw to pave way for new deal
Climate negotiators are now in Warsaw, Poland for the annual UN climate talks.
These talks are expected to try to pave the way for a new global climate deal. 
The Warsaw conference is designed to lay the ground work for a new climate change treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2020.
Thai Senate rejects gov't-backed amnesty bill
As anticipated, the Thai Senate has rejected a government-backed amnesty bill which would have paved the way for the return of former prime minister Thakisn Shinawatra. 
This comes amid mounting pressure on the government of Yingluck Shinawatra to scrap the controversial plan.
As per parliamentary procedure in Thailand, the bill will be frozen for 180 days.
At that point, the Lower House has the option to table it again for deliberation. 
However, the governing Pheu Thai party and its coalition partners have promised not to push for a re-entry of the bill into the parliament.
The passage of the bill through the lower house of parliament earlier this month sparked wide-spread protests across Bangkok.
The legislation would have given blanket amnesty to all of those convicted or accused of wrong-doing in the 2006 uprising which eventually led to the ouster of then-Prime Minister Thanksin Shinawatra.
Pakistani Taliban confirm killing of Haqqani Network leader
The Pakistani Taliban has confirmed one of the senior leaders of its Haqqani Network has been assassinated.
Naseer Haqqani was gunned down by shooters on the back of motorcycles while on his way home from evening prayers.
The Pakistani Taliban is vowing to take revenge.
Naseer Haqqani was a leading fundraising and political entity for the group.
So far no one has claimed responsibility for the attack.
The Haqqani network is ideologically allied with the Taliban.
The group originated in southeastern Afghanistan, but is believe to be operating on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border.
200 shanties gutted in New Delhi
A massive fire has ripped through a shanty-town in the Indian capital, New Delhi.
Authorities estimate around 200 structures have been destroyed in the blaze.
So far no casualties have been reported.
It took around 3 hours for the fire to be brought under control.
No word on what sparked the initial fire.
Two arrested for fatal house party shooting in U.S. Texas
Two men have been arrested in connection with a shooting that left 2 dead and 19 others hurt in Houston, Texas.
The suspects are 21 and 18 years old.
Authorities say the shooting took place after celebratory gunfire led to random shooting.
Police are describing the party where the shooting took place as a "birthday party gone wild," as the event was advertised on social media sites, attracting random people from around the region.
Of the 19 injured, 18 were hit with bullets.
The other injury was a broken leg, after the victim smashed through a 2nd-floor window to escape the shooting.