Hourly News 每日新闻 2013-11-16(在线收听

 China reform details                 

More details on the planned reform have been released by authorites in China.
A landmark policy document says China will open up the banking sector even wider, on condition of strengthened regulations.
It says qualified private capital will be allowed to set up small- and medium-sized banks.
It has also been decided that China will abolish the "reeducation through labor" system as part of efforts to improve human rights and judicial practices.
The country will also reduce the number of crimes subject to death penalty step by step, while reinforcing grass-roots law-enforcement in sectors related to people's livelihood.
The decision says China will loosen its decades-long one-child population policy.
Couples will be allowed to have two children if one of them is an only child.
China will also accelerate the reform of the household registration system.
China Welcomes US Envoy, Seeking Strengthened Cooperation
Chinese President Xi Jinping says China and the United States should strengthen policy coordination during their respective reform and restructuring process.
He said this during his meeting with US Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew who's in Beijing as a representative to US President Barack Obama.
Vice premier Wang Yang has also talked with Jacob Lew.
Wang Yang says China's plan for deepening reforms has significant innovation and breakthroughs in both theoretical and practical terms.
Lew says the U.S. side is ready to strengthen economic cooperation and coordination with China.
China is the last stop of Jacob Lew's Asia visit, which has already taken him to Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam.
Japan urged to show sincerity in mending relations with China
China has urged Japan to show sincerity in mending bilateral ties.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei made the remark in response to a recent statement by a senior Japanese official.
According to media reports, Japan's key foreign policy advisor Shotaro Yachi said Japan should take an attitude of "strategic patience" on the issue of the Diaoyu Islands. 
Hong Lei says no matter how Japan changes its propaganda, the fact the Diaoyu Islands belong to China cannot be changed.
Chinese FM responses to detention of Japanese politician over alleged possession of drugs
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei has confirmed that a Japanese citizen was detained in south China's city of Guangzhou over alleged possession of drugs.
Hong Lei told reporters that Takuma Sakuragi was taken into custody on Oct. 31 at the Baiyun airport in Guangzhou while carrying drugs with him. 
According to media reports, 70-year-old Sakuragi is assemblyman of Japanese municipal government of Inazawa. He was in China on private business.
Japan gov't ramps up moves towards collective self-defense
A government panel comprised to deliberate Japan's right to exercise collective self-defense has compiled a draft report on the issue, stating that such a right would be permissible by changing the current interpretation of Japan's pacifist Constitution, rather than revising it. 
The advisory panel's chairperson, Shinichi Kitaoka, oversaw the drafting of the report and its presentation to the other panel members Friday with the final report scheduled to be submitted to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for final approval.
Philippine government facing mounting pressure over relief work
The death toll from all the provinces hit by last week's typhoon has topped 3,600 in Philippines.
Philippine authorities are facing mounting pressure to speed up the distribution of aid.
Survivors of Typhoon Haiyan are complaining of a lack of relief goods one week after the storm swept the country.
While there has been no shortage of aid material, much of it has been stranded in the capital Manila and the nearby airport of Cebu due to extensive damage at Tacloban's airport.
Iran says "no chance of success" for nuclear talks if rights not recognized
Iran is calling for the world's powers to recognize the country's nuclear program before the negotiations proceed.
Iranian foreign minister Maohammad- Javad Zarif is on record saying any agreement that does not satisfy Iran has no chance for success.
Iran and the P5+1 group will resume negotiations over Iran's disputed nuclear program in Geneva on November 20th.
An initial round of talks ended last week without an agreement.
Iran insists its nuclear power is for civilian use.
OPCW adopts plan to destruct Syria's chemical weapons
The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has adopted a detailed plan for the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons program in the first half of 2014.
OPCW Director General Ahmet Uzumcu has welcomed the decision reached Friday by the Executive Council, saying te plan provides a clear roadmap. 
The whole destruction is expected to be finished by mid 2014.