Hourly News 每日新闻 Hourly News 2013-12-02(在线收听

 China launches probe and rover to moon

China has launched the country's first moon rover, the Chang'e-3 lunar module, marking a milestone in the country's deep space exploration.
The probe's carrier-rocket launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China several hours ago.
The lunar rover is expected to land on the moon in the middle of this month and will be the first Chinese spacecraft to make a soft landing on an extraterrestrial body.
The rover's designers say the soft landing on the surface of the moon will be the most difficult part of the mission.
The Chang'e-3 will explore the moon's geological structure and surface to detect natural resources.
U.S. vice president kicks off Asia visit
U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden has embarked on a week-long visit to Japan, China and South Korea, in the administration's latest effort to rebalance toward Asia.
The White House says atop Biden's agenda will be the efforts to complete the Trans- Pacific Partnership negotiations, denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, and boost U.S. economic ties with China.
At least 4 dead, 67 injured in New York train derailment
At least 4-people are dead and 67-others injured after a passenger train derailed in New York City Sunday morning local time.
The Metro-North train ran off the tracks at a curved section of the line according to New York police chief Ray Kelly.
At least 4-train cars had been knocked on their sides, though none entered the nearby Hudson or Harlem rivers.
One car came within a few feet of the river's edge.
The train's conductor has lived and is being treated for injuries.
Witnesses say the train was traveling at a faster pace than usual, however the official cause of the accident is still under investigation.
Yingluck gets two-day ultimatum to "return power"
Anti-government protesters in Thailand have given Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra a 2-day ultimatum to return power to the people.
This suggests Yingluck would have to resign and dissolve the Lower House.
Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban made the announcement while recounting his earlier meeting with the prime minister to supporters.
Thaugsuban, the former Democrat legislator, has not detailed what actions would follow should the ultimatum be defied, and claims there will be no more meetings between him and Yingluck.
The Prime Minister earlier called for negotiations and compromise between the two sides which Thaugsuban says is unacceptable.
Many protesters believe Yingluck is merely acting as a puppet for her ousted brother former Prime Minister Thaksin.
Protests escalate in Ukraine as demonstrators storm administrative buildings
Massive demonstrations have rocked the Ukrainian capital of Kiev.
Tens of thousands of people have taken to Kiev's streets to protest against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanu-kovych's decision to suspend a trade pact with the European Union. 
Demonstrators stormed the presidential administration building and Kiev's mayor's office, leading to clashes with police. 
At least 53 demonstrators have been hurt with 14 hospitalized. 
The government, meanwhile, says the situation is under control. 
Sunday's protest was reportedly the largest since rallies began on November 21st, after Ukraine suddenly put a deal with the EU on hold.
Kiev was due to sign political-economic agreements with the EU at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Lithuania.
Fire at garment plant in Italy kills 7 Chinese workers: media
A fire at a factory in central Italy has killed at least seven Chinese workers and seriously injured two others.
Local media reports the fire occurred at a garment plant in the suburbs of the city of Prato, just north of Florence in central Italy.
The region has a large concentration of Chinese businesses which employ at least 30-thousand workers.
The cause of the fire is yet unknown.
Libyan air force officer killed in Benghazi
A Libyan air force officer has been shot to death in the eastern city of Benghazi this weekend.
Salah Idriss, a worker at the Benina Air Defense Base, was gunned down by unidentified gunmen in front of his 17-year-old son.
His son was wounded in the attack, but has undergone surgery and is in stable condition.
Benghazi has seen a surge of violence in the past week following clashes between the Ansar al-Sahira militia and Libyan Special Forces.
9-people have been killed in the attacks with another 50 injured.
Ansar al-Sahria is suspected to be responsible for the September 2012 attack on the US embassy where Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed.
Egypt police fire tear gas to disperse pro-Morsi students in Tahrir
Egyptian security forces have fired tear gas into a crowd of students who support ousted President Mohamed Morsi in Cairo's Tahrir square.
Hundreds of students supporting the Islamist leader entered the iconic square for the first time since the army toppled Morsi in July.
Local media reports the crowd chanted against military rule and demanded the release of Morsi supporters and Muslim Brotherhood members who have been detained.
The students began their march from Cairo University where they had protested the reported police killing of an engineering student last week.
Armed forces sealed the square's entrances and exits once the students dispersed.