Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-01-19(在线收听

 China urges Syrians to "sit down"

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has called on the Syrian government and opposition to start talks to find solutions.
He said Political solutions through dialogue is the only correct path and the consensus of the international community. It is also the direction that parties should stick to.
Wang Yi's comments came ahead of the Geneva II conference on Syria, which is scheduled to start next Wednesday. 
He stressed China will continue its positive and constructive efforts towards a solution acceptable to all sides.
Syrian opposition to attend to Geneva II peace conference
Syria's main opposition bloc, the Syrian National Coalition has announced in Istanbul it would attend the Geneva II peace conference after holding a secret vote on its participation. 
The UN-backed peace conference will bring together representatives from both the government and the Western-backed political opposition for the first time since their conflict began almost three years ago.
18 killed, 50 injured in stampede in Mumbai
At least 18 people were killed and over 50 others injured in a stampede in Mumbai in the early hours of Saturday.
A senior police official says the incident happened near the residence of a Muslim spiritual leader in posh Malabar area of the financial capital, where hundreds of people converged from across the country and abroad to pay their last respects to him.
While 18 people died on the spot, those injured have been admitted to a local hospital where the condition of some are said to be serious.
Death toll of Taliban attack at Kabul restaurant rises to 21: police
Twenty one people, including 13 foreigners, were killed in Friday's terror attack at the Lebanese Restaurant in Afghan capital Kabul.
The UN mission office in Kabul said that four UN staff members, including International Monetary Fund (IMF) country representative, were among those killed in the bloody incident. 
UN secretary-general Ban ki-moon has condemned in the strongest terms the horrific attack.
The Taliban insurgent group has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack, saying in a statement the suicide bombers targeted foreign occupiers.
Iran condemns deadly terrorist attack on diplomat in Yemen
Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham has condemned the deadly terrorist attack on an Iranian diplomat in Yemen on Saturday. 
Afkham said a terrorist group attacked an Iranian embassy's diplomat in a Sanaa street and tried to kidnap him, but due to the resistance of the diplomat they started shooting. The diplomat died due to severe injuries. 
Reports say the assassinated diplomat was the Commercial attache of Iran Embassy in Yemen Ali Asadi.
Voters approve Egypt new constitution with 38.6 pct turnout
Egyptian voters have overwhelmingly approved the country's new constitution by 98.1 percent of votes saying "yes" to the military-backed charter.
The official result comes a few days after Egypt wrapped up a two-day referendum on the new constitution on Jan. 15, which has been boycotted by most Islamists and their affiliates. 
The new charter is meant to replace the one drafted and approved in late 2012 under ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood group. 
It is the described as "one-third of the future roadmap," which will be followed by presidential and parliamentary elections within six months.
China to increase subsidies to grain production
The Chinese government will extend greater support to agriculture, including more subsidies to major grain-growing regions.
Vice premier Wang Yang said this during his visit in central China's Henan Province over the past two days, saying that policy supports will be strengthened for agricultural development and farmers interests. 
He stressed the crucial role of grain production in social and economic development, and urged more investment, subsidies and incentives for grain production and processing.
3 new human H7N9 cases reported in Zhejiang
Three new human H7N9 cases were reported on Saturday in east China's Zhejiang Province, bringing the total number of cases in the province to 20.
The new cases include a 35-year-old man from Ningbo City, who is in critical condition and is being treated in hospital.
Another two patients are a 72-year-old woman from the city of Hangzhou and a 69-year-old man from the city of Shaoxing. They are also in critical condition.
H7N9 avian flu cases have also been reported this year in Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces and Shanghai municipality.
Home prices continue to climb in China
Home prices in major Chinese cities continued to climb despite repeated government efforts to cool the sector.
Official data showed of a statistical pool of 70 major Chinese cities, 65 saw a month-on-month rise in new home prices and 64 reported price gains in existing and second-hand homes in December last year.