Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-02-02(在线收听

 China dismisses ADIZ reports, optimistic about South China Sea situation

China has dismissed allegations by some Japanese reports that it is to set up an Air Defense Identification Zone over the South China Sea.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei says China has yet to feel any air security threat from the ASEAN countries and is optimistic about its relations with the neighboring countries and the general situation in the South China Sea region.
Hong Lei says the right-wing forces in Japan have repeatedly clamored about the alleged plan of China to set up the air defense zone over the South China Sea. 
He says the move has ulterior motives and is simply aimed at shifting international attention from and cover up the plot to change Japan's pacifist constitution and expand its military power.
Six new H7N9 cases reported in China
China has reported six new human cases of H7N9 bird flu and one more death.
The new cases were from the provinces of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian and Hunan.
And an 82-year-old patient has died in Guangdong. 
So far this year the Chinese mainland has reported more than 100 human H7N9 cases, including about 20 death, with Zhejiang and Guangdong most affected.
Health authorities have strengthened prevention and control measures including the closure of live poultry markets in some affected cities.
Several hurt in Bangkok gun battle before election
At least six people have been injured in gun battles in Bangkok between government opponents and supporters, a day before Thailand's general election.
Protesters with handguns and rifles traded fire in Bangkok's Laksi district, a stronghold of the ruling Pheu Thai party.
The demonstrators, who want Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to quit, were trying to blockade a building where ballot papers are being stored.
It's unclear whether those struck were government supporters or opponents.
Lebanon suicide bombing kills 5, Al Nusra Front claims responsibility
A suicide car bombing has hit a gas station in Lebanon's eastern town of Hermel, leaving five people dead and 18 others injured. 
The Al Nusra Front in Lebanon has claimed responsibility for the attack. 
The al-Qaeda affiliated group has also claimed responsibility for a number of other recent attacks targeting Shiite populated areas in Lebanon.
Hermel, which is considered the heartland of Lebanon's Hezbollah movement, has recently been targeted by a wave of rocket attacks from Syria.
U.S. seeks to negotiate with Syrian gov't delegation in Geneva: report
Syria has reportedly rejected a US demand for direct negotiations with the Syrian government delegation during the Geneva II conference.
Syria's official SANA news agency quoted Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem as saying the Syrian delegation had demanded an apology from U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.
During the opening session of the peace talks, Kerry said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must have no role in the future transitional period of Syria, contending Syria will be not be safe "while Assad remains in power."
The first round of Geneva II talks concluded on Friday with no concrete progress. The second round is set to begin on Feb. 10.
Abbas, Hamas official meet on reconciliation
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and a senior Hamas leader have met in Ramallah to discuss Palestinian reconciliation. 
Nasser al-Din al-Sha'er, former deputy prime minister in the Hamas-led government, says there is an overwhelming Palestinian consensus to achieve an internal reconciliation.
An official of the Fatah Party, which controls the West Bank, says President Abbas is ready to go for reconciliation as soon as Hamas accepts holding general elections in the Palestinian territories.
The internal Palestinian division started when Hamas routed Abbas' security forces and took control of the Gaza Strip in June 2007.
14 killed in fresh volcano eruption in Indonesia
A series of fresh eruptions of a volcano on the Indonesian island of Sumatra have killed at least 14 people.
Mount Sinabung spewed hot gas, ash and rocks 2 km into the air on Saturday morning.
Villages were engulfed in ash.
Officials fear there may have been more casualties, but they cannot get closer because of the heat from the eruption. 
Thousands were evacuated in September when Sinabung rumbled to life after being dormant for three years. Many were allowed back to their homes on Friday.
12 Indian sailors missing after ship sinks off SE Yemen
About 12 Indian sailors have gone missing after their cargo ship sank off the coast of southeast Yemen.
A local government official says the ship was owned by a Yemeni businessman.
It's not yet known why the vessel went down.
Authorities have sent rescue boats and asked the coast guards in the area to help search for the missing sailors.