美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-03-10(在线收听

 You are a day away from Friday. You're watching CNN studio news. You're 10 minutes away from getting up to speed on xxx. We are starting in China today. Big meeting there. It's the once a year gathering of the national people's congress. It includes thousands of delegates from all over the country. China is a communist state. Government controls the economy and other parts of society. So the national people's congress is limited. It won't be voting on any major laws. But this meeting is a chance for China to talk about it's economic plans. And because it's the world second largest economy, international economists are watching to see what China will do. Other parts of the international community are watching Ukraine. A lot of talking about the crisis there yesterday. Meetings involved the officials from the European Union, Ukraine, Russia, the U.S. But there wasn't a lot of action. Some US officials are still considering economic sactions against Russia for its involvement in Ukraine. Russia directs the economic action of its own. It could hurt trade in other parts of Europe. You didn't see it. You didn't feel it. You might have not known it was there. But an astroid zip by us yesterday. Oh that's relative. It was close by space standards. It wasn't in terms of miles. But since there is a one in ten thousands chance of this same astroid coming back near us on March. 4th 2046. Jade Mires is gonna help us get to know it. Jad,  Hi Carol, a astroid yesterday flew between the earth and the moon, or at least the orbit of the moon. It's about a quarter of million miles between the earth to the moon and this was slightly inside of it. 90% from here to here and 10% from here to here. So is's still 270,000 miles away as it flew on by the earth. Now let's think about the size of this. Because here's a baseball diamond right here. Here is actually the turner field. If you take a ball of a big rock, and you put it right over the in field, that's how big this astroid was, right over the in field of any baseball diamond. You take that you fly that in between the earth and the moon, and then you have something going on for. This is not one of the closer ones probably we will have this year. But it certainly is 90% of the way between the earth and the moon. And it's called DX1-10. 1-10 because it's actually the hundred and tenth astroid that they have found so far this year. think about this though, last year 21 astroids flew closer to the earth than this and the chance of this actually hitting the earth was only about one in ten million, It was probably more of a big deal to the astroid that the earth got so close. Cause if you're standing on the astroid and all of a sudden the earth flies on by. You think yourself wow that was the size of an earth, the size of the baseball field. And a lot more danger to the astroid right there as it flew on by. Big changes are coming to the SAT exam. Fewer students have been taken it. And the college board, the group that administered the test says it wants the SAT to be more connected to what's being taught in high school. Changes take of that in two years. The top score you can get currently 2400 is going back to 1600. Vocabulary words will be easier. Essays will no longer be manditory. And you won't need to know as much about as many subjects. Critic say it will dumn down the test. It will be more closely aligned with coming court coriculum which supporters applaud for setting national educational standards but critic say it hurt students and goes against state's right to set there own standards. 
