美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-03-13(在线收听

 I am Anderson Kooper. Welcome to the 360 Podcast. 

China unravel the mystery flight  of 370, the brother of one of missing americans. and wait for a word. How F help them through. Let's get started. 
2 passengers on the flight  form K to BJ, were traveling on stolen passports. That would mean they are carrying tickets purchased by an Iranian  middle man. FBI is now deeply involved obviously. Chief  international  correspondent  has been working on his sources on this case. He is joining us now for some fresh informaiton. 
what is the latest of your have you heard over terrorism and those stealing passports.
well i can tell you Anderson,the latest i recieve, really the last hour, i am told by a US official that there are more and more indications that the loss of MH370 was not terro related. they were caution about it,  because it is still early in investigation. But more and more signs are pointing at this not being a terro event. Because it is early they keep all lines investigations open and we saw today, that Malayia authority pass on to US authorities, some of the bio data of the two men who travelled on stolen passports including their thumb prints,  which are now recieved by FBI. And FBI will run through a US terro database to make sure that nothing turns up. These people, based on their bio-data are not tied to a specific ties with terrorism . So that is where we stands. They are keeping all lines of investigations open. But the reads i get form the US intelligence official that there are more and more indications it is not a terrorism event. 
I am presuming that there are some , you know, based on those finger prints that are being analyzed by te FBI, when they see it is not a Taliban, when you are curious about stolen passports, strong razes , lots of suspicions. There are other options, I guess, not related to terrorism. 
No question. That's exactly. That's what i am told. And it is not definitive yet, \ because they are still looking into it.But  the circumstances like this, including the Iranian middle man you mentioned. The tickets were bought from an Iranian middle man who paid them for cash, and bought one way tickets to  Europe, are all very suspicious things. But the pattern, including the use of  the middle man, with these travel agency in Thailand where the tickets were bought,  it fits the pattern of human smuggling ring. That's what i am told. 
Fits a pattern not establshed with clarity yet. Those signs look more like a human smugle case than a terrorism case. 