英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-03-07(在线收听

 Crimea plans to hold a referendum in ten days' time to vote on breaking away from Ukraine and joining Russia. U.S. President Barack Obama says the move breaches international law and has issued travel bans on some Russian and Ukrainian officials.

Homicide detectives are investigating the death of a new-born baby in Melbourne's west. Police found the infant's body on a footpath in St Albans yesterday afternoon. Police have questioned an 18-year-old woman and an autopsy has been conducted to determine how that baby died.
An elderly woman has died in a house fire in Sydney's west. The house at Jamisontown was well alight when fire crews arrived early this morning. A 71-year-old woman was found inside the home. Paramedics did try to revive her,but she died at the scene.
Now Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says the government is leaving no stone unturned in its efforts to help Australian journalist Peter Greste. Mr.Greste has been languishing in an Egyptian jail for more than two months. He's on trial, facing terrorism charges.
A neighbour has told the Oscar Pistorius murder trial how he found the paralympian praying over the body of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp as she lay dying. Johan Stipp told the court he heard streams and gunshots on the morning of the shooting. He says he went to the house to offer help and tried to revive Ms. Steenkamp.